UoL Theme

options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)

Hello World

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You are recommended to use the RStudio IDE, but you do not have to.



.footnote[ [1] 中文用户请看这份教程

[2] See #2 if you do not see the template or addin in RStudio. ]

Extra colours

The uol theme includes extra colours and font sizes.

Colours: .corporate-red[.corporate-red[]], .corporate-grey[.corporate-grey[]], .white[.white[]], .vibrant-red[.vibrant-red[]], .orange[.orange[]], .warm-yellow[.warm-yellow[]], .vc-green[.vc-green[]], .dark-green[.dark-green[]], .mid-green[.mid-green[]], .acid-green[.acid-green[]], .dark-blue[dark-blue[]], .mid-blue[.mid-blue[]], .light-blue[.light-blue[]], .mauve-blue[.mauve-blue[]], .dark-warm-grey[.dark-warm-grey[]], .mid-warm-grey[.mid-warm-grey[]], .light-warm-grey[.light-warm-grey[]], .black[.black[]], .mid-cool-grey[.mid-cool-grey[]], .light-cool-grey[.light-cool-grey[]], .digi-gold[.digi-gold[]], .light-digi-gold[.light-digi-gold[]], .magenta[.magenta[]], .bright-yellow[.bright-yellow[]], .cyan[.cyan[]], .royal-blue[.royal-blue[]], .metallic-gold[.metallic-gold[]], .metallic-gold-70p[.metallic-gold-70p[]], .metallic-silver[.metallic-silver[]], .metallic-silver-70p[.metallic-silver-70p[]], .main[.main[]], .accent[.accent[]], .text[.text[]], .text-inverse[.text-inverse[]].

The colours of the theme can be easily customised - see uol.css.

Extra font sizes:

The uol theme includes extra colours and font sizes.

Font-sizes: .tiny[.tiny[]], .scriptsize[.scriptsize[]], .footnotesize[.footnotesize[]], .small[.small[]], .normalsize[.normalsize[]], .large[.large[]], .Large[.Large[]], .LARGE[.LARGE[]], .huge[.huge[]], .Huge[.Huge[]], .references[.references[]].


  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

  4. A

  5. B
  6. C

R output





The university logo is used for dissemination purposes only - please read the webpage with the visual identity guidelines:

The logo is still property of the University of Leicester (

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xaringan documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:59 a.m.