use_banner: Add a banner to the top or bottom of your slides.

View source: R/banner.R

use_bannerR Documentation

Add a banner to the top or bottom of your slides.


Adds a banner to all the slides in your deck at the top or the bottom of the slide. You can place content in the left, center, or right portion of the banner.


  bottom_left = NULL,
  bottom_center = NULL,
  bottom_right = NULL,
  top_left = NULL,
  top_center = NULL,
  top_right = NULL,
  exclude = NULL



Banner styles created with style_banner(). Technically, additional arguments are added into the htmltools::tagList() with the banner dependencies, but you'll only want to use style_banner() calls here.

bottom_left, top_left

Text or HTML to place in the left column of the top or bottom of the slide.

bottom_center, top_center

Text or HTML to place in the center column at the top or the bottom of the slide.

bottom_right, top_right

Text or HTML to place in the right column of the top or bottom of the slide.


A vector of slide classes where the banner should not be applied. By default all slides are included, but you might want to exclude the title and inverse slides with exclude = c("title-slide", "inverse").


An htmltools::tagList() with the banner dependencies, or an htmltools::htmlDependency.

See Also



use_banner(bottom_left = "")

  bottom_left = "",
  top_center = "My Presentation",
  exclude = c("title-slide", "inverse"),
  style_banner(text_color = "grey")

xaringanExtra documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:17 a.m.