Man pages for xmeta
A Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-Analysis

ca125Recurrent ovarian carcinoma study
dat.genGenerate bivariate meta analysis studies
galaxyGalaxy Plot: A New Visualization Tool of Bivariate...
galaxy.trimfillBivariate trim&fill method
mmetaMethods for multiviarate random-effects meta-analysis
mssetTesting and correcting for small study effects of...
nat2A meta-analysis of the association between...
prostateComparison between overall survival and disease-free survival...
sim_datSimulated data
summary.mmetaSummarize the objects 'mmeta'
summary.mssetSummarize the objects 'msset'
trimfill_rmaTrim&fill method for univariate meta analysis
xmeta-packageA Tool Box for Multivariate Meta-Analysis
xmeta documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:36 p.m.