Man pages for ypr
Yield Per Recruit

adams_bt_03Adams Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters (2003)
as_ypr_ecotypesCoerce to an Ecotypes Object
as_ypr_populationCoerce to a Population Object
as_ypr_populationsCoerce to a Populations Object
check_ecotypesCheck Ecotypes
check_populationCheck Population
check_populationsCheck Populations
chilliwack_bt_05Chilliwack Lake Bull Trout Populations Parameters (2005)
is.ypr_populationTests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes
kootenay_bt_13Kootenay Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters (2013)
kootenay_rbKootenay Lake Rainbow Trout Population Parameters
kootenay_rb_13Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout Population Parameters (2013)
paramsParameter Descriptions for ypr Functions
plot.ypr_populationPlot Population Schedule
quesnel_btQuesnel Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters
quesnel_ltQuesnel Lake Lake Trout Population Parameters
quesnel_rbQuesnel Lake Rainbow Trout Population Parameters
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
ypr_age_at_lengthAge At Length
ypr_detabulate_parametersDetabulate Population Parameters
ypr_ecotypesCreate Ecotypes Object
ypr_exploitationExploitation Probability
ypr_get_parGet Parameter Value
ypr_length_at_ageLength At Age
ypr_namesPopulation(s) or Ecotype Names
ypr_optimizeOptimize Capture
ypr-packageypr: Yield Per Recruit
ypr_plot_biomassPlot Biomass
ypr_plot_fishPlot Fish
ypr_plot_schedulePlot Population or Ecotypes Schedule Terms
ypr_plot_srPlot Stock-Recruitment Curve
ypr_plot_yieldPlot Yield by Capture
ypr_populationPopulation Parameters
ypr_population_namesPopulation Names
ypr_populations_expandExpand Populations
ypr_population_updateUpdate a Population Object
ypr_scheduleLife-History Schedule
ypr_srStock-Recruitment Parameters
ypr_tabulate_biomassTabulate Biomass (and Eggs)
ypr_tabulate_fishTabulate Fish Numbers
ypr_tabulate_parametersTabulate Population Parameters
ypr_tabulate_scheduleLife-History Schedule
ypr_tabulate_srTabulate Stock-Recruitment Parameters
ypr_tabulate_yieldTabulate Yield
ypr_tabulate_yieldsTabulate Yields
ypr_updateUpdate a YPR Object Currently just works with scalar...
ypr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 1:11 a.m.