
Defines functions assign_bins

## Calculates the bin a distance falls into
## Due to floating point errors, the floor function cannot be relied upon to
## round down a distance between two SNPs to the nearest bin. Thus it is
## necessary to first test the ceiling to see if it is in fact equal, before
## then using the floor function.
## For example, the SNP positions of SNPs 1 and 2 are 0.00235 and 0.00345
## respectively. The difference is 0.0011, and with a bin size of 0.0001, one
## would expect the difference to be assigned to the "0.0011" bin. However,
## the floor function in R instead sets the bin to 0.001, as it stores the
## result of 0.00345-0.00235 as a number a tiny bit smaller than 0.0011 due
## to floating point errors.
## @param bin_size a number representing the size of the bins in the LD profile
## @param number the number to be assigned to a bin
## @return a number representing the bin the number has been assigned to
  } else {

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zalpha documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 9:06 a.m.