Man pages for zipangu
Japanese Utility Functions and Data

convert_jdateConvert Japanese date format to date object
convert_jyearConvert Japanese imperial year to Anno Domini
convert_prefectureConvert prefecture names to roman or kanji
convert_prefecture_from_kanaConvert prefecture names from kana
dl_zipcode_fileDownload a zip-code file
find_date_by_wdayFind out the date of the specific month and weekday
harmonize_prefecture_nameHarmonize the notation of Japanese prefecture names.
is_jholidayIs x a public holidays in Japan?
is_prefectureCheck correctly prefecture names
is_zipcodeTest zip-code
jholidayPublic holidays in Japan
jpnprefsPrefectural informations in Japan
kanaCreate kana vector
kansujiConvert kansuji character to arabic
label_kansujiLabel numbers in Kansuji format
pipePipe operator
read_zipcodeRead Japan post's zip-code file
separate_addressSeparate address elements
str_jconvConverts the kind of string used as Japanese
str_jnormalizeConverts characters following the rules of 'neologd'
zipcode_spacerInsert and remove zip-code connect character
zipangu documentation built on Dec. 9, 2022, 9:07 a.m.