Man pages for ziphsmm
Zero-Inflated Poisson Hidden (Semi-)Markov Models

CATPseudo activity counts (per minute) data for cats
convolutionConvolution of two real vectors of the same length.
dist_learnDistributed learning for a longitudinal continuous-time...
dist_learn2Distributed learning for a longitudinal continuous-time...
dist_learn3Distributed learning for a longitudinal continuous-time...
dzippmf for zero-inflated poisson
fasthmmfitFast gradient descent / stochastic gradient descent algorithm...
fasthmmfit.contFast gradient descent algorithm to learn the parameters in a...
fasthmmfit.cont3Fast gradient descent algorithm to learn the parameters in a...
fasthsmmfitFast gradient descent / stochastic gradient descent algorithm...
grad_zipnegloglik_cov_contgradient for negative log likelihood function in...
grad_zipnegloglik_nocov_contgradient for negative log likelihood function from...
hmmfitEstimate the parameters of a general zero-inflated Poisson...
hmmsimSimulate a hidden Markov series and its underlying states...
hmmsim2Simulate a hidden Markov series and its underlying states...
hmmsim2.contSimulate a continuous-time hidden Markov series and its...
hmmsim3.contSimulate a continuous-time hidden Markov series and its...
hmmsim.contSimulate a hidden Markov series and its underlying states...
hmmsmooth.contCompute the posterior state probabilities for continuous-time...
hmmsmooth.cont2Compute the posterior state probabilities for continuous-time...
hmmsmooth.cont3Compute the posterior state probabilities for continuous-time...
hmmviterbiViterbi algorithm to decode the latent states for hidden...
hmmviterbi2Viterbi algorithm to decode the latent states in hidden...
hmmviterbi2.contViterbi algorithm to decode the latent states in...
hmmviterbi.contViterbi algorithm to decode the latent states for...
hsmmfitEstimate the parameters of a general zero-inflated Poisson...
hsmmfit_expSimulate a hidden semi-Markov series and its underlying...
hsmmsimSimulate a hidden semi-Markov series and its corresponding...
hsmmsim2Simulate a hidden semi-Markov series and its underlying...
hsmmsim2_expSimulate a hidden semi-Markov series and its underlying...
hsmmviterbiViterbi algorithm to decode the latent states for hidden...
hsmmviterbi2Viterbi algorithm to decode the latent states in hidden...
hsmmviterbi_expViterbi algorithm to decode the latent states in hidden...
package-ziphsmmzero-inflated poisson hidden (semi-)Markov models
retrieve_cov_contretrieve the natural parameters from the working parameters...
retrieve_cov_cont3retrieve the natural parameters from the working parameters...
retrieve_nocov_contretrieve the natural parameters from working parameters for a...
rzipgenerate zero-inflated poisson random variables
zipnegloglik_cov_contnegative log likelihood function for zero-inflated Poisson...
zipnegloglik_cov_cont3negative log likelihood function for zero-inflated Poisson...
zipnegloglik_nocov_contnegative log likelihood function for zero-inflated Poisson...
ziphsmm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 a.m.