Man pages for zonohedra
Compute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators

boundarypgramdatacompute data about specific parallelograms in the boundary of...
genlistzonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting
genlist-printPrint Basic Metrics for Each Zonohedron Generated by the...
grpDuplicatedGrouping by duplicated elements
insidetest points for being inside a zonotope
inside2transtest points against a 2-transition surface
invertboundaryinvert points on the boundary of a zonohedron
lintransformlinear transformations of zonotopes, and vector matroids
matroidmatroid construction
matroid-gettersmatroid get functions
matroid-printPrint Basic Facts about a Matroid
matroid-propsmatroid properties
minkowskisumMinkowski sum of Two zonotopes
plot2transplot the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron
plothighertransplot abundant and deficient parallelograms
plotpolygonplot the _generator polygon_ associated with a pointed...
rankRank and Independence
raytrace2transcompute the intersection of a ray and the 2-transition...
section2transcompute the intersection of a plane and the 2-transition...
simplifysimplify and unsimplify
spherizespherize a zonotope
supportthe support function for a zonotope
symmetrizesymmetrize a zonotope
transitionsdfsummarize the number of transitions and associated data, over...
zonogonzonogon construction
zonogon-getmetricsget important metrics about a zonogon, and print basic facts...
zonogon-invertinvert points in a zonogon
zonogon-plotplot a zonogon
zonogon-raytracecompute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a...
zonogon-sectioncompute the intersection of a line and the boundary of a...
zonohedra-packagezonhedra package
zonohedronzonohedron construction
zonohedron-getmetricsGet Important Metrics about a Zonohedron, and Print and...
zonohedron-plotplot a zonohedron
zonohedron-raytracecompute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a...
zonohedron-sectioncompute the intersection of a plane and the boundary of a...
zonosegzonoseg construction, querying, and printing
zonoseg-invertinvert points in a zonoseg
zonotope-getterszonotope get functions
zonotope-propszonotope properties
zonohedra documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:20 p.m.