genlist-print: Print Basic Metrics for Each Zonohedron Generated by the...

print.genlistR Documentation

Print Basic Metrics for Each Zonohedron Generated by the Matrices in a genlist object


An S3 class genlist object is organized as a named list of 3xN matrices, when N varies. The print() method constructs a zonohedron object from each matrix and then prints some basic metrics about each zonohedron, as a data frame. If the matrix has the "fullname" attribute, it is added as a column. The names of the list are copied to the rownames of the data frame.


## S3 method for class 'genlist'
print( x, full=TRUE, ... )



a genlist object


if TRUE, include area and volume columns


not used


print.genlist() uses summary.zonohedron().


The function returns TRUE or FALSE.

See Also

genlist, summary.zonohedron()


# print zonohedra metrics associated with 3 sets of color matching functions
#                    fullname generators vertices  edges facets      area     volume
# xyz1931.5nm xyz at 5nm step         81     5100  10146   5048  1582.722   4070.345
# xyz1931.1nm xyz at 1nm step        471   112910 225720 112812 39586.707 509434.149
# lms2000.1nm lms at 1nm step        441   146642 292860 146220 22736.652 181369.085

#  [1] "C"   "RD"  "BD"  "RI"  "RHD" "RT"  "TO"  "TRD" "TC"  "RE"  "RH"  "TI"  "TSR"

print( classics.genlist, full=FALSE )
#                                   fullname generators vertices edges facets
# C                                     cube          3        8    12      6
# RD                    rhombic dodecahedron          4       14    24     12
# BD                   Bilinski dodecahedron          4       14    24     12
# RI                     rhombic icosahedron          5       22    40     20
# RHD          rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron          5       18    28     12
# RT                 rhombic triacontahedron          6       32    60     30
# TO                    truncated octahedron          6       24    36     14
# TRD         truncated rhombic dodecahedron          7       32    48     18
# TC                 truncated cuboctahedron          9       48    72     26
# RE                rhombic enneacontahedron         10       92   180     90
# RH              rhombic hectotriadiohedron         12      134   264    132
# TI             truncated icosidodecahedron         15      120   180     62
# TSR truncated small rhombicosidodecahedron         21      240   360    122

zonohedra documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:20 p.m.