frames_spatial: Create frames of spatial movement maps for animation

View source: R/frames_spatial.R

frames_spatialR Documentation

Create frames of spatial movement maps for animation


frames_spatial creates frames from movement and map/raster data. If no custom raster data is provided, a basemap is pulled from a map tile service using the basemaps package. Frames are returned as an object of class moveVis and can be subsetted, viewed (see render_frame), modified (see add_gg and associated functions ) and animated (see animate_frames).


  r_list = NULL,
  r_times = NULL,
  r_type = "gradient",
  fade_raster = FALSE,
  crop_raster = TRUE,
  map_service = "osm",
  map_type = "streets",
  map_res = 1,
  map_token = NULL,
  map_dir = NULL,
  margin_factor = 1.1,
  equidistant = NULL,
  ext = NULL,
  path_size = 3,
  path_end = "round",
  path_join = "round",
  path_mitre = 10,
  path_arrow = NULL,
  path_colours = NA,
  path_alpha = 1,
  path_fade = FALSE,
  path_legend = TRUE,
  path_legend_title = "Names",
  tail_length = 19,
  tail_size = 1,
  tail_colour = "white",
  trace_show = FALSE,
  trace_size = tail_size,
  trace_colour = "white",
  cross_dateline = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



move or moveStack of uniform time scale and time lag, e.g. prepared with align_move (recommended). May contain a column named colour to control path colours (see details).


list of raster or rasterStack. Each list element refers to the times given in r_times. Use single-layer raster objects for gradient or discrete data (see r_type). Use a rasterStack containing three bands for RGB imagery (in the order red, green, blue).


list of POSIXct times. Each list element represents the time of the corresponding element in r_list. Must be of same length as r_list.


character, either "gradient" or "discrete". Ignored, if r_list contains rasterStacks of three bands, which are treated as RGB.


logical, if TRUE, r_list is interpolated over time based on r_times. If FALSE, r_list elements are assigned to those frames closest to the equivalent times in r_times.


logical, whether to crop rasters in r_list to plot extent before plotting or not.


character, a map service, e.g. "osm". Use get_maptypes for a list of available map services and types..


character, a map type, e.g. "streets". Use get_maptypes for available map services and types.


numeric, resolution of base map in range from 0 to 1.


character, mapbox authentification token for mapbox basemaps. Register at to get a mapbox token. Mapbox is free of charge after registration for up to 50.000 map requests per month. Ignored, if map_service = "osm".


character, directory where downloaded basemap tiles can be stored. By default, a temporary directory is used. If you use moveVis often for the same area it is recommended to set this argument to a directory persistent throughout sessions (e.g. in your user folder), so that baesmap tiles that had been already downloaded by moveVis do not have to be requested again.


numeric, factor relative to the extent of m by which the frame extent should be increased around the movement area. Ignored, if ext is set.


logical, whether to make the map extent equidistant (squared) with y and x axis measuring equal distances or not. Especially in polar regions of the globe it might be necessaray to set equidistant to FALSE to avoid strong stretches. By default (equidistant = NULL), equidistant is set automatically to FALSE, if ext is set, otherwise TRUE. Read more in the details.


sf bbox or sp extent in same CRS as m, optional. If set, frames are cropped to this extent. If not set, a squared extent around m, optional with a margin set by margin_factor, is used (default).


numeric, size of each path.


character, either "round", "butt" or "square", indicating the path end style.


character, either "round", "mitre" or "bevel", indicating the path join style.


numeric, path mitre limit (number greater than 1).


arrow, path arrow specification, as created by grid::arrow().


character, a vector of colours. Must be of same length as number of individual tracks in m and refers to the order of tracks in m. If undefined (NA) and m contains a column named colour, colours provided within m are used (see details). Othwersie, colours are selected from a standard rainbow palette per individual track.


numeric, defines alpha (transparency) of the path. Value between 0 and 1. Default is 1.


logical, whether paths should be faded towards the last frame or not. Useful, if trace_show = TRUE and you want to hold the last frame using end_pause in animate_frames.


logical, wether to add a path legend from m or not. Legend tracks and colours will be ordered by the tracks' temporal apperances, not by their order in m.


character, path legend title. Default is "Names".


numeric, length of tail per movement path.


numeric, size of the last tail element. Default is 1.


character, colour of the last tail element, to which the path colour is faded. Default is "white".


logical, whether to show the trace of the complete path or not.


numeric, size of the trace. Default is same as tail_size.


character, colour of the trace. Default is "white". It is recommended to define the same colours for both trace_colour and tail_colour to enforce an uninterrupted colour transition form the tail to the trace.


logical, whether tracks are crossing the dateline (longitude 180/-180) or not. If TRUE, frames are expanded towards the side of the dateline that is smaller in space. Applies only if the CRS of m is not projected (geographical, lon/lat). If FALSE (default), frames are clipped at the minimum and maximum longitudes and tracks cannot cross.


Additional arguments customizing the frame background:

  • alpha, numeric, background transparency (0-1).

  • maxpixels, maximum number of pixels to be plotted per frame. Defaults to 500000. Reduce to decrease detail and increase rendering speeds.

  • macColorValue, numeric, only relevant for RGB backgrounds (i.e. if r_type = "RGB" or if a default base map is used). Maximum colour value (e.g. 255). Defaults to maximum raster value.


logical, if TRUE, messages and progress information are displayed on the console (default).


If argument path_colours is not defined (set to NA), path colours can be defined by adding a character column named colour to m, containing a colour code or name per row (e.g. "red". This way, for example, column colour for all rows belonging to individual A can be set to "green", while column colour for all rows belonging to individual B can be set to "red". Colours could also be arranged to change through time or by behavioral segments, geographic locations, age, environmental or health parameters etc. If a column name colour in m is missing, colours will be selected automatically. Call colours() to see all available colours in R.

Basemap colour scales can be changed/added using add_colourscale or by using ggplot2 commands (see examples). For continous scales, use r_type = "gradient". For discrete scales, use r_type = "discrete".

If argument equidistant is set, the map extent is calculated (thus enlarged into one axis direction) to represent equal surface distances on the x and y axis.


A frames object of class moveVis.


The use of the map services "osm_thunderforest" and "mapbox" require registration to obtain an API token/key which can be supplied to map_token. Register at and/or to get a token.

The projection of m is treated as target projection. Default basemaps accessed through a map service will be reprojected into the projection of m. Thus, depending on the projection of m, it may happen that map labels are distorted. To get undistorted map labels, reproject m to the web mercator projection (the default projection for basemaps): spTransform(m, crs("+init=epsg:3857"))


Jakob Schwalb-Willmann

See Also

frames_graph join_frames animate_frames



# align movement
m <- align_move(move_data, res = 4, unit = "mins")

## Not run: 
# with osm watercolor base map
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor")
# take a look at one of the frames, e.g. the 100th

# make base map a bit transparent
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor", alpha = 0.5)
frames[[100]] # take a look

# use a larger margin around extent
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor", alpha = 0.5,
                         margin_factor = 1.8)

# use a extent object as your AOI
ext <- extent(m)
ext@xmin <- ext@xmin - (ext@xmin*0.003)
ext@xmax <- ext@xmax + (ext@xmax*0.003)
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor", alpha = 0.5,
                         ext = ext)

# alter path appearance (make it longer and bigger)
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor", alpha = 0.5,
                         path_size = 4, tail_length = 29)
# adjust path colours manually
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor", alpha = 0.5,
                         path_colours = c("black", "blue", "purple"))

# or do it directly within your moveStack, e.g. like:
m.list <- split(m) # split m into list by individual
m.list <- mapply(x = m.list, y = c("orange", "purple", "darkgreen"), function(x, y){
  x$colour <- y
}) # add colour per individual
m <- moveStack(m.list) # putting it back together into a moveStack
frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "osm", map_type = "watercolor", alpha = 0.5)
# this way, you do not have to assign colours per individual track
# instead, you could assign colours by segment, age, speed or other variables

# get available map types

# use mapbox to get a satellite or other map types (register to on to get a token)
# frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "mapbox",
#                          map_token = "your_token_from_your_mapbox_account",
#                          map_type = "satellite")

# if you make a lot of calls to frames_spatial during mutliple sessions, use a map directory
# to save all base maps offline so that you do not have to query the servers each time
# frames <- frames_spatial(m, map_service = "mapbox",
#                          map_token = "your_token_from_your_mapbox_account",
#                          map_type = "satellite",
#                          map_dir = "your/map_directory/")                         

# use your own custom base maps
r_list <- basemap_data[[1]]
r_times <- basemap_data[[2]]

# using gradient data (e.g. NDVI)
frames <- frames_spatial(m, r_list = r_list, r_times = r_times, r_type = "gradient",
                         fade_raster = TRUE)

# using discrete data (e.g. classifications)
# let's make up some classification data with 10 classes
r_list <- lapply(r_list, function(x){
  y <- raster::setValues(x, round(raster::getValues(x)*10))
# turn fade_raster to FALSE, since it makes no sense to temporally interpolate discrete classes
frames <- frames_spatial(m, r_list = r_list, r_times = r_times, r_type = "discrete",
                         fade_raster = FALSE)

# then simply animate the frames using animate_frames
# see ?add_colourscale to learn how to change colours of custom base maps
# see all add_ functions on how to customize your frames created with frames_spatial
# or frames_graph
# see ?animate_frames on how to animate a frames

## End(Not run)

16EAGLE/moveVis documentation built on March 4, 2024, 1:35 a.m.