GENMETA : An R package

Generalized Meta-Analysis(GENMETA) is an approach for combining information on multivariate regression parameters across multiple different studies which have different, but, possibly overlapping information on subsets of covariates. GENMETA implements the generalized meta-analysis using iteratively reweighted least squares (IRWLS) algorithm. For details of the method, please see the Reference section below. This file provides guidelines for implementing generalized meta-analysis(GENMETA)

NOTE: If the user wishes to directly download the source files from Github, please go to the link and see the README for further instructions. If the user wishes to directly install the package from R console, please read the following instructions:

Installation procedure:

install.packages("devtools", dependencies=TRUE) library(devtools)

install_github("28pro92/packages-GENMETA") library(GENMETA)

Example describing how to create input arguments for GENMETA along with some simulation codes:

--------- The following code is for the simulation results in Table 3 shown in Reference----------------#

Setting-I (Ideal setting)

library(MASS) library(stats) library(magic)


--### Basic setting######


---number of covariates in the full model---#

d.X = 3

---mean vector of the covariates---#

mu = matrix(rep(0,d.X), nrow=d.X)

--- correlation coefficient of the covariates---#

r1 = 0.3 r2 = 0.6 r3 = 0.1

--- covariance matrix of the covariates---#

Sigma = matrix( c(1, r1, r2, r1, 1, r3, r2, r3, 1), nrow=d.X, ncol=d.X)

-- True parameter---# = matrix(c(-1.2, log(1.3), log(1.3), log(1.3)),nrow = d.X+1)

-----Sample sizes of the three studies-----#

n1 = 300 # sample size of the 1st data set. n2 = 500 # 2nd n3 = 1000 # 3rd

---- Sample size of the reference dataset---#

n = 50

no.of.simulations = 1000

----- Defining a matrix to store the results for each simulation----#

sim.matrix = matrix(NA, no.of.simulations, 8)

start.time = Sys.time()

------ Repeat for each simulation ----#

for(sim in 1:no.of.simulations) { set.seed(sim)

#--################################################ #--##### Generating the reference and studies ##### #--################################################

#---Generate the reference data set---#

X.rf = mvrnorm(n = n, mu, Sigma)

#----Generate data set 1. m1 means model 1.---#

X.m1 = mvrnorm(n = n1, mu, Sigma) # Generate the covariates. X.m1.1 = cbind(rep(1, n1), X.m1) # Add a column of 1's to X.m1. p.m1 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m1.1%* # the vector of probabilities Y.m1 = rbinom(n1, size=1, p.m1) # the Bernoulli responses

#----Generate data set 2. m2 means model 2.---#

X.m2 = mvrnorm(n = n2, mu, Sigma) X.m2.1 = cbind(rep(1, n2), X.m2) p.m2 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m2.1%* Y.m2 = rbinom(n2, size=1, p.m2)

#----Generate data set 3. m3 means model 3.---#

X.m3 = mvrnorm(n = n3, mu, Sigma) X.m3.1 = cbind(rep(1, n3), X.m3) p.m3 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m3.1%* Y.m3 = rbinom(n3, size=1, p.m3)

#--####################################################### #--### Create data sets in the format of data frame.###### #--####################################################### data.m1 = data.frame(Y=Y.m1, X.m1) data.m2 = data.frame(Y=Y.m2, X.m2) data.m3 = data.frame(Y=Y.m3, X.m3)

#--#################################################################### #--### Fit logistic regression with reduced models to the data sets ### #--####################################################################

logit.m1 <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = data.m1, family = "binomial") if(logit.m1$converged == FALSE) { print("glm for logit.m1 is not convergent.") next }

logit.m2 <- glm(Y ~ X2 + X3, data = data.m2, family = "binomial")

if(logit.m2$converged == FALSE) { print("glm for logit.m2 is not convergent.") next }

logit.m3 <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X3, data = data.m3, family = "binomial")

if(logit.m3$converged == FALSE) { print("glm for logit.m3 is not convergent.") next }

#--#################################################################### #--### Obtain the estimators of the parameters in the reduced models.## #--####################################################################

theta.m1 = logit.m1$coefficients theta.m2 = logit.m2$coefficients theta.m3 = logit.m3$coefficients

#--#################################################################### #--#### The following is used to calculate robust variance estimates### #--#### for each of three parameter vectors in the reduced models. #### #--#### This is needed if the user inputs the variance-covariance ##### #--### matrices from each of studies. Later, we show that it can be ## #--### computed from reference data set if these are not provided #### #--###################################################################

#--#################################################################### #--### Find the covariance matrix estimators for the reduced models#### #--####################################################################

#--############################# #-- Basic notations for inputs# #--#############################

-- Number of data sets---#

K = 3

-- index set A1, the indexes of the covariates of data set 1.--#

A1 = c(1, 2) A2 = c(2, 3) # index set A2 A3 = c(1, 3) # index set A3

--- X.m1.used denotes the design matrix in model 1----#

X.m1.used = cbind(rep(1, n1), X.m1[, A1, drop=F]) X.m2.used = cbind(rep(1, n2), X.m2[, A2, drop=F]) X.m3.used = cbind(rep(1, n3), X.m3[, A3, drop=F])

----- Computing robust estimate of Sigma.m1 -------#

T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A1)+1)^2), nrow=length(A1)+1) T.2 = T.1

for (i in 1:n1) { a = as.vector(exp(-X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m1)) T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]) %*% X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]) }

for (i in 1:n1) { a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m1))) T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m1[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m1.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]) }

Sigma.m1 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)

----- Computing robust estimate of Sigma.m2 -------#

T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A2)+1)^2), nrow=length(A2)+1) T.2 = T.1

for (i in 1:n2) { a = as.vector(exp(-X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m2)) T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m2.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]) }

for (i in 1:n2) { a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m2))) T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m2[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m2.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]) }

Sigma.m2 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)

#----- Computing robust estimate of Sigma.m3 -------#

T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A3)+1)^2), nrow=length(A3)+1) T.2 = T.1

for (i in 1:n3) { a = as.vector(exp(-X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m3)) T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m3.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]) }

for (i in 1:n3) { a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m3))) T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m3[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m3.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]) }

Sigma.m3 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)

names(theta.m1)=c("(Intercept)","Age","Height") names(theta.m2)=c("(Intercept)","Height", "Weight") names(theta.m3)=c("(Intercept)","Age", "Weight")

#---- now put in the GENMETA example ----#

#--### The results shown in Table 2 is obtained by considering ##### #--#### study-specific variance-covariance matrices. This is shown ## #--#### below. ###################################################### #--################################################################## study1 = list(Coeff=theta.m1,Covariance=Sigma.m1,Sample_size=n1) study2 = list(Coeff=theta.m2,Covariance=Sigma.m2,Sample_size=n2) study3 = list(Coeff=theta.m3,Covariance=Sigma.m3,Sample_size=n3)

--##### If the study-specific variance-covariance matrices are not ###

--##### available, then it is set to NULL. The following lines #######

--##### demonstrate it… #######

--##### study1 = list(Coeff=theta.m1,Covariance=NULL,Sample_size=n1)##

--##### study2 = list(Coeff=theta.m2,Covariance=NULL,Sample_size=n2)##

--##### study3 = list(Coeff=theta.m3,Covariance=NULL,Sample_size=n3)##

#---- Creating the study list for GENMETA input ---#

studies = list(study1,study2,study3) model = "logistic"

#------ Creating the reference data for GENMETA input -----#

reference = cbind(rep(1,n), X.rf) colnames(reference) = c("(Intercept)","Age","Height", "Weight")

-------Calling the GENMETA function-------#

result.same = GENMETA(studies, reference, model, initial_val = c(-1.2, log(1.3), log(1.3), log(1.3)))

------Checking the conditions where the optim did not converge--#

if(sum($Est.coeff)) == 0 && is.null(result.same$Est.var.cov) != TRUE) { sim.matrix[sim, ] = c(result.same$Est.coeff, diag(result.same$Est.var.cov)) }

print(sim) }

stop.time = Sys.time()

elapsed.time = stop.time - start.time

-----Computing the 95% confidence-intervals---#

Lower.CI = na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4] - 1.96*sqrt(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,5:8]) Upper.CI = na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4] + 1.96*sqrt(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,5:8])

------Computing the coverage rate---------#

Coverage.rate = matrix(0,dim(na.omit(sim.matrix))[1], 4) for(k in 1:dim(na.omit(sim.matrix))[1]) { if([1,1] >= Lower.CI[k,1] &[1,1] <= Upper.CI[k,1]) Coverage.rate[k,1] = 1 if([2,1] >= Lower.CI[k,2] &[2,1] <= Upper.CI[k,2]) Coverage.rate[k,2] = 1 if([3,1] >= Lower.CI[k,3] &[3,1] <= Upper.CI[k,3]) Coverage.rate[k,3] = 1 if([4,1] >= Lower.CI[k,4] &[4,1] <= Upper.CI[k,4]) Coverage.rate[k,4] = 1 }

square = function(x) { sum(x^2) }

----Computing the average length of CI----#

Average.length = apply((Upper.CI-Lower.CI), 2, mean)

------Computing root mean square error -----#

RMSE = sqrt(apply(t(t(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4]) - as.numeric(, 2, square)/dim(na.omit(sim.matrix))[1])

-----Combining the results------#

result = data.frame(cbind(apply(na.omit(sim.matrix), 2, mean)[1:4],, (apply(na.omit(sim.matrix), 2, mean)[1:4]-, sqrt(apply(na.omit(sim.matrix), 2, mean)[5:8]), sqrt(apply(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4], 2, var))), apply(Coverage.rate,2, mean), Average.length, RMSE)

colnames(result) = c("Coeff","True", "Bias", "ESD", "SD", "Coverage.rate", "AL", "RMSE")

-------Writing into a file-----#

write.csv(result, file = "Simulation_1.csv", row.names = F)

Setting-II : Means are different across studies


--######## For this and all other settings, the codes in the basic setting and for generating ####

--######## the data sets change. Rest remain the same. ##############################



--### Basic setting######


-- number of covariates.

d.X = 3

-- Different mean vectors of the covariates.

mu.1 = matrix(rep(0,d.X), nrow=d.X) mu.2 = matrix(rep(1,d.X), nrow=d.X) mu.3 = matrix(rep(0.5,d.X), nrow=d.X)

-- correlation coefficient(low) of the covariates.

r1.1 = 0.2 r2.1 = 0.4 r3.1 = 0

-- covariance matrix of the covariates.

Sigma.1 = matrix( c(1, r1.1, r2.1, r1.1, 1, r3.1, r2.1, r3.1, 1), nrow=d.X, ncol=d.X)

-- correlation coefficient(base/medium) of the covariates.

r1.2 = 0.3 r2.2 = 0.6 r3.2 = 0.1

-- covariance matrix of the covariates.

Sigma.2 = matrix( c(1, r1.2, r2.2, r1.2, 1, r3.2, r2.2, r3.2, 1), nrow=d.X, ncol=d.X)

-- correlation coefficient(high) of the covariates.

r1.3 = 0.4 r2.3 = 0.8 r3.3 = 0.2

-- covariance matrix of the covariates.

Sigma.3 = matrix( c(1, r1.3, r2.3, r1.3, 1, r3.3, r2.3, r3.3, 1), nrow=d.X, ncol=d.X) # covariance matrix of the covariates.

--- True parameter = matrix(c(-1.2, log(1.3), log(1.3), log(1.3)),nrow = d.X+1)

-----Sample sizes of the three studies-----#

n1 = 300 # sample size of the 1st data set. n2 = 500 # 2nd n3 = 1000 # 3rd

---- Sample size of the reference dataset---#

n = 50

no.of.simulations = 1000

----- Defining a matrix to store the results for each simulation----#

sim.matrix = matrix(NA, no.of.simulations, 8)

start.time = Sys.time()

------ Repeat for each simulation ----#

for(sim in 1:no.of.simulations) { set.seed(sim)

#--################################################# #--###### Generating the reference and studies ##### #--#################################################

#---Generate the reference data set---#

X.rf = mvrnorm(n = n, mu.1, Sigma.2)

#----Generate data set 1. m1 means model 1.---#

X.m1 = mvrnorm(n = n1, mu.1, Sigma.2) # Generate the covariates. X.m1.1 = cbind(rep(1, n1), X.m1) # Add a column of 1's to X.m1. p.m1 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m1.1%* # the vector of probabilities Y.m1 = rbinom(n1, size=1, p.m1) # the Bernoulli responses

#----Generate data set 2. m2 means model 2.---#

X.m2 = mvrnorm(n = n2, mu.2, Sigma.2) X.m2.1 = cbind(rep(1, n2), X.m2) p.m2 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m2.1%* Y.m2 = rbinom(n2, size=1, p.m2)

#----Generate data set 3. m3 means model 3.---#

X.m3 = mvrnorm(n = n3, mu.3, Sigma.2) X.m3.1 = cbind(rep(1, n3), X.m3) p.m3 = 1/(1+exp(-X.m3.1%* Y.m3 = rbinom(n3, size=1, p.m3)

#--####################################################### #--### Create data sets in the format of data frame.###### #--####################################################### data.m1 = data.frame(Y=Y.m1, X.m1) data.m2 = data.frame(Y=Y.m2, X.m2) data.m3 = data.frame(Y=Y.m3, X.m3)

#--#################################################################### #--### Fit logistic regression with reduced models to the data sets ### #--####################################################################

logit.m1 <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = data.m1, family = "binomial") if(logit.m1$converged == FALSE) { print("glm for logit.m1 is not convergent.") next }

logit.m2 <- glm(Y ~ X2 + X3, data = data.m2, family = "binomial")

if(logit.m2$converged == FALSE) { print("glm for logit.m2 is not convergent.") next }

logit.m3 <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X3, data = data.m3, family = "binomial")

if(logit.m3$converged == FALSE) { print("glm for logit.m3 is not convergent.") next }

#--#################################################################### #--### Obtain the estimators of the parameters in the reduced models.## #--####################################################################

theta.m1 = logit.m1$coefficients theta.m2 = logit.m2$coefficients theta.m3 = logit.m3$coefficients

#--#################################################################### #--#### The following is used to calculate robust variance estimates### #--#### for each of three parameter vectors in the reduced models. #### #--#### This is needed if the user inputs the variance-covariance ##### #--### matrices from each of studies. Later, we show that it can be ## #--### computed from reference data set if these are not provided #### #--###################################################################

#--#################################################################### #--### Find the covariance matrix estimators for the reduced models#### #--####################################################################

#--############################# #-- Basic notations for inputs# #--#############################

-- Number of data sets---#

K = 3

-- index set A1, the indexes of the covariates of data set 1.--#

A1 = c(1, 2) A2 = c(2, 3) # index set A2 A3 = c(1, 3) # index set A3

--- X.m1.used denotes the design matrix in model 1----#

X.m1.used = cbind(rep(1, n1), X.m1[, A1, drop=F]) X.m2.used = cbind(rep(1, n2), X.m2[, A2, drop=F]) X.m3.used = cbind(rep(1, n3), X.m3[, A3, drop=F])

----- Computing robust estimate of Sigma.m1 -------#

T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A1)+1)^2), nrow=length(A1)+1) T.2 = T.1

for (i in 1:n1) { a = as.vector(exp(-X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m1)) T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m1.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]) }

for (i in 1:n1) { a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m1))) T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m1[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m1.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m1.used[i, , drop=F]) }

Sigma.m1 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)

----- Computing robust estimate of Sigma.m2 -------#

T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A2)+1)^2), nrow=length(A2)+1) T.2 = T.1

for (i in 1:n2) { a = as.vector(exp(-X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m2)) T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m2.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]) }

for (i in 1:n2) { a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m2))) T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m2[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m2.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m2.used[i, , drop=F]) }

Sigma.m2 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)

#----- Computing robust estimate of Sigma.m3 -------#

T.1 = matrix(rep(0, (length(A3)+1)^2), nrow=length(A3)+1) T.2 = T.1

for (i in 1:n3) { a = as.vector(exp(-X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m3)) T.1 = T.1 + (a/(1+a)^2) * (t(X.m3.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]) }

for (i in 1:n3) { a = as.vector(1/( 1 + exp(-X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]%*%theta.m3))) T.2 = T.2 + (Y.m3[i]-a)^2 * (t(X.m3.used[i, , drop=F])%*%X.m3.used[i, , drop=F]) }

Sigma.m3 = solve(T.1)%*%T.2%*%solve(T.1)

names(theta.m1)=c("(Intercept)","Age","Height") names(theta.m2)=c("(Intercept)","Height", "Weight") names(theta.m3)=c("(Intercept)","Age", "Weight")

#---- now put in the GENMETA example ----#

#--### The results shown in Table 2 is obtained by considering ##### #--#### study-specific variance-covariance matrices. This is shown ## #--#### below. ###################################################### #--################################################################## study1 = list(Coeff=theta.m1,Covariance=Sigma.m1,Sample_size=n1) study2 = list(Coeff=theta.m2,Covariance=Sigma.m2,Sample_size=n2) study3 = list(Coeff=theta.m3,Covariance=Sigma.m3,Sample_size=n3)

--##### If the study-specific variance-covariance matrices are not ###

--##### available, then it is set to NULL. The following lines #######

--##### demonstrate it… #######

--##### study1 = list(Coeff=theta.m1,Covariance=NULL,Sample_size=n1)##

--##### study2 = list(Coeff=theta.m2,Covariance=NULL,Sample_size=n2)##

--##### study3 = list(Coeff=theta.m3,Covariance=NULL,Sample_size=n3)##

#---- Creating the study list for GENMETA input ---#

studies = list(study1,study2,study3) model = "logistic"

#------ Creating the reference data for GENMETA input -----#

reference = cbind(rep(1,n), X.rf) colnames(reference) = c("(Intercept)","Age","Height", "Weight")

-------Calling the GENMETA function-------#

result.same = GENMETA(studies, reference, model, initial_val = c(-1.2, log(1.3), log(1.3), log(1.3)))

------Checking the conditions where the optim did not converge--#

if(sum($Est.coeff)) == 0 && is.null(result.same$Est.var.cov) != TRUE) { sim.matrix[sim, ] = c(result.same$Est.coeff, diag(result.same$Est.var.cov)) }

print(sim) }

stop.time = Sys.time()

elapsed.time = stop.time - start.time

-----Computing the 95% confidence-intervals---#

Lower.CI = na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4] - 1.96*sqrt(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,5:8]) Upper.CI = na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4] + 1.96*sqrt(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,5:8])

------Computing the coverage rate---------#

Coverage.rate = matrix(0,dim(na.omit(sim.matrix))[1], 4) for(k in 1:dim(na.omit(sim.matrix))[1]) { if([1,1] >= Lower.CI[k,1] &[1,1] <= Upper.CI[k,1]) Coverage.rate[k,1] = 1 if([2,1] >= Lower.CI[k,2] &[2,1] <= Upper.CI[k,2]) Coverage.rate[k,2] = 1 if([3,1] >= Lower.CI[k,3] &[3,1] <= Upper.CI[k,3]) Coverage.rate[k,3] = 1 if([4,1] >= Lower.CI[k,4] &[4,1] <= Upper.CI[k,4]) Coverage.rate[k,4] = 1 }

square = function(x) { sum(x^2) }

----Computing the average length of CI----#

Average.length = apply((Upper.CI-Lower.CI), 2, mean)

------Computing root mean square error -----#

RMSE = sqrt(apply(t(t(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4]) - as.numeric(, 2, square)/dim(na.omit(sim.matrix))[1])

-----Combining the results------#

result = data.frame(cbind(apply(na.omit(sim.matrix), 2, mean)[1:4],, (apply(na.omit(sim.matrix), 2, mean)[1:4]-, sqrt(apply(na.omit(sim.matrix), 2, mean)[5:8]), sqrt(apply(na.omit(sim.matrix)[,1:4], 2, var))), apply(Coverage.rate,2, mean), Average.length, RMSE)

colnames(result) = c("Coeff","True", "Bias", "ESD", "SD", "Coverage.rate", "AL", "RMSE")

-------Writing into a file-----

write.csv(result, file = "Simulation_9.csv", row.names = F)


Tang, R., Kundu, P. and Chatterjee, N. (2017) Generalized Meta-Analysis for Multivariate Regression Models Across Studies with Disparate Covariate Information.

28pro92/packages-GMeta documentation built on Nov. 14, 2022, 5:04 a.m.