Man pages for 2ndTime/bittrex2
Client for the Bittrex Exchange

bittrex-packageClient for the Bittrex Crypto-Currency Exchange
bt_api_checkCheck the Connection to the Bittrex Exchange
bt_authenticateProvide User Authentication Data
bt_buyPlace a Buy Limit Order
bt_cancelCancel an Open Order
bt_getbalanceAccount Balance for a Specified Currency
bt_getbalancesAccount Balances for All Currencies
bt_getcurrenciesRetrieve all Available Currencies on the Exchange
bt_getdepositaddressRetrieve the Address for a Specified Currency
bt_getdeposithistoryRetrieve Deposit History
bt_getmarkethistoryRecent History for a Market
bt_getmarketsAvailable Markets and Other Meta Data
bt_getmarketsummariesSummary of All Active Markets
bt_getmarketsummarySummary of a Markets
bt_getopenordersOrder Data for all Open Orders
bt_getorderOrder Data for a Specified Order
bt_getorderbookOrder Book for a Market
bt_getorderhistoryOrder History for an Account
bt_gettickerGet the Ticker Values for a Market
bt_getwithdrawalhistoryRetrieve Withdrawal History
bt_sellPlace a Sell Order
bt_withdrawWithdraw Funds from an Account
2ndTime/bittrex2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:19 p.m.