Man pages for 3inar/einr
Different Functions That I Keep Needing

aaggrAggregate the '.rda' files in a given directory
AIC.glmnetAIC from glmnet object
bootsampleDraw bootstrap samples
calibration_curveCalibration curve plot
clusterkernelBagged cluster kernel
einreinr: a collection of functions &c.
glm_rankRank features by univariate glm
glmvectorGLM vector
hist.ttestvectorHistorgram of unadjusted p-values for 'ttestvector'
hyperboxplotHyperboxplot: for when you have too many dimensions for...
intervalsPlots an inner and outer quantile interval for a list or...
leekassoLeekasso regression
llggrAggregate the '.rda' files in a given directory
plot.glmvectorPlot for glmvector objects
predict.densityPredict method for density estimates
predict.leekassoPreddict Method for Leekasso Fits
theme_einrTheme for ggplot
ttestvectorT-test vector
twocolorsStandard colors for two-class plots
3inar/einr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:43 a.m.