This is a super-dirty guide to the validator package. This package provides tools to do repeated cross-validation.

The package currently resides only on GitHub and should be installed with devtools

devtools::install_github("3inar/validator", build_vignettes=T)

Usage example

First, define an experiment function. This function should take the two arguments test_index and train_index. It should return a test statistic and a train statistic by use of the return_cv function.


experiment <- function(test_index, train_index) {
  model <- lm(mpg~wt, data=mtcars, subset=train_index)

  test_mse <- mean((predict(model, mtcars[test_index, ]) - 
                                   mtcars[test_index, ]$mpg)^2)
  train_mse <- mean((predict(model) - mtcars[train_index, ]$mpg)^2)

  return_cv(test_mse, train_mse)

With the experiment code set up, we can use repeat_cv to run our repeated cross-validation:


repetitions <- 500
k <- 5
n <- nrow(mtcars)

results <- repeat_cv(experiment, n, repetitions, k)

# results from the two first cross-validations
head(results, 2)

Let's see how our model does under resampling:


teststats <- laply(results, function(x) { x$test })
trainstats <- laply(results, function(x) { x$train })

boxplot(cbind(test=rowMeans(teststats), train=rowMeans(trainstats)))


That's really all there is to it: make a function that takes test/train index, make sure to return a test and a train statistic.

3inar/validator documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:11 a.m.