
Defines functions PropOPtLoopCpp sdRollCpp SMACpp weightsProp

Documented in sdRollCpp sdRollCpp SMACpp

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#' @title PropOPtLoopCpp
#' @description
#' Returns comparison value given lockback period and a confidence level
#' @name PropOPtLoopCpp
#' @param k numeric vector of lockback periods
#' @param cf int confidence level
#' @param type char comparison value either c("SharpeRatio", "CGR", "CAGR")

PropOPtLoopCpp <- function(k, cf, type) {
    .Call('_cryptoPlay_PropOPtLoopCpp', PACKAGE = 'cryptoPlay', k, cf, type)

#' @title sdRollCpp
#' @description
#' Returns sd rolling over specified period
#' @name sdRollCpp
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param k number of periods to take mean over
#' @export

sdRollCpp <- function(x, k) {
    .Call('_cryptoPlay_sdRollCpp', PACKAGE = 'cryptoPlay', x, k)

#' @title SMACpp
#' @description
#' Returns simple moving average
#' @name SMACpp
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param k number of periods to take mean over
#' @export

SMACpp <- function(x, k) {
    .Call('_cryptoPlay_SMACpp', PACKAGE = 'cryptoPlay', x, k)

#' @title weightsProp
#' @description
#' Returns weights given t-statistics and a confidence level
#' @name sdRollCpp
#' @param x A numeric vector of t-statistics
#' @param cf int confidence level
#' @param k int lockback period
#' @export

weightsProp <- function(x, cf, k) {
    .Call('_cryptoPlay_weightsProp', PACKAGE = 'cryptoPlay', x, cf, k)
3schwartz/cryptoPlay documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.