Man pages for 42n4/dmr.util
A package with utility functions used in the book Cichosz, P. (2015): Data Mining Algorithms: Explained Using R

arg.maxFind an argument that maximizes a function
arg.minFind arguments that minimize a function
as.num0Convert a factor to numeric values starting from 0
as.numcharConvert a factor to numeric values with the same character...
attr.typeGet a discrete/numeric attribute type information for a...
binvec2intConvert a binary vector to an integer representation
clip.valClip numeric values to a given range
closest.aboveFind the closest value above a given threshold in a numeric...
closest.belowFind the closest value below a given threshold in a numeric...
cmmMultiply the columns of a matrix by the corresponding...
cosineCalculate the cosine of two vectors
dmr.util-packageA package with utility functions used in the book Cichosz, P....
drop1valDrop attributes (columns) that only take single values for a...
flevelsGet factor levels as a factor
insert.ordInsert a value to a vector preserving the existing order
int2binvecConvert an integer to a binary vector representation
l2normCalculate the L2 (Euclidean) norm of a vector
labelConvert numerical values to a factor using specified labels
label.allConvert a numeric vector to a factor using all specified...
logpCalculate a base-2 logarithm of a probability value,...
make.formulaMake a formula using given target and input attributes
midbrkFind middle break points between consecutive values in a...
plogpCalculate the product of a probability and its base-2...
rangesDetermine the ranges (max-min differences) of numeric columns...
rmmMultiply the rows of a matrix by the corresponding elements...
shift.leftShift vector elements to the left
shift.rightShift vector elements to the right
skip.condSkip vector/list elements that satisfy a condition
skip.valSkip vector elements equal to a value
ustepCalculate the unit step function value
weighted.tableCalculate the weighted table of discrete attribute value...
x.varsExtract the input attribute names from a formula for a...
y.varExtract the target attribute name from a formula
42n4/dmr.util documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:02 p.m.