
title: R link: author: daniel description: post_id: 37 created: 2010/04/12 19:23:48 created_gmt: 2010/04/12 17:23:48 comment_status: open post_name: r status: publish post_type: post


SOS4R's intention is to allow users of R to access obesrvations and measuremens directly from an OGC Sensor Obersvation Service.


Stefan O.: Thanks for the links, Daniel. I am currently working with SciPy, too bad the decision to use it is not going so be altered. The script is mostly written. If I only had known the RPy package some month ago, maybe I would have used it for my project. Next time ;-) Btw: I use SciPy to calculate non-negative least squares (NNLS). Regards, Stefan

Stefan O.: Hello Daniel! Nice to see a blog about the SOS and R stuff. I hope you can easily answer my question from a software developers point of view: Which APIs are available to use R in a project? I am especially interested in a C# or a Python library/packacke to do some statistic calculations. Can I use C# or Python to use R? Best regards from con terra, Stefan Offermann

daniel: Hej Stefan! I have no experience myself to call R from other programming languages, but according to [1

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