Man pages for 942kid/plac
A Pairwise Likelihood Augmented Cox Estimator for Left-Truncated Data

cum.hazCalulate the Values of the cumulative Hazard at Fixed Times
PLACCalculate the PLAC estimator when a time-dependent indicator...
plac-packageA Package for Computating the Pairwise Likelihood Augmented...
PLAC_TDC++ Function for Solving the PLAC Estimator. (with...
PLAC_TDRC++ Function for Solving the PLAC Estimator. (with...
PLAC_TIC++ Function for Solving the PLAC Estimator. (with...
plrPerform the paired log-rank test.
PwIndGenerate truncation-pair indicators
SgIndGenerate risk-set indicators
sim.ltrcGenerate left-truncated (and right-cencored) data from the...
TvIndGenerate time-depependent covariate indicators
TvInd2Generate time-depependent covariate indicators
942kid/plac documentation built on July 20, 2023, 2:43 a.m.