MFh: Identify ranks for use when evaluating MF for nested...

View source: R/MFClusHier.R

MFhR Documentation

Identify ranks for use when evaluating MF for nested hierarchy.


Identify ranks for use when evaluating MF for nested hierarchy.


MFh(formula, data, compare = c("con", "vac"))



Formula of the form y ~ x + a/b/c, where y is a continuous response, x is a factor with two levels of treatment, and a/b/c are vgrouping variables corresponding to the clusters. Nesting is assumed to be in order, left to right, highest to lowest. So a single level of "a" will contain multiple levels of "b" and a single level of "b" will contain multiple levels of "c".


a data.frame or tibble with the variables specified in formula. Additional variables will be ignored.


Text vector stating the factor levels - compare[1] is the control or reference group to which compare[2] is compared.


A mfhierdata object, which is a list of three items.

  • coreTbl A dplyr::tibble with one row for each unique core level showing values for:

    • con_n & vac_n: counts of observations for each treatment level in the core level.

    • con_medResp & vac_medResp: median of the y continuous response for each treatment level.

    • n1n2: product of the counts, con_n \times vac_n.

    • w: Wilcoxon statistic

    • u: Mann-Whitney statistic

  • data: A dplyr::tibble of the restructured input data used for calculations.

  • compare: The compare variables as input by user.

  • formula: The formula as input by user.


Core variable is the variable corresponding to the lowest nodes of the hierarchial tree. Nest variables are those above the core.



See Also

MFnest for calculation of MF for nest, core and all variables. mfhierdata for returned object. MFClusHier for a wrapper.


a <- data.frame(
 room   = paste("Room", rep(c("W", "Z"), each = 24)),
 pen    = paste("Pen", rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8)),
 litter = paste("Litter", rep(11:22, each = 4)),
 tx     = rep(rep(c("vac", "con"), each = 2), 12))
a$lung[a$tx == "vac"] <- rnorm(24, 5, 1.3)
a$lung[a$tx == "con"] <- rnorm(24, 7, 1.3)

aCore <- MFh(lung ~ tx + room / pen / litter, a)
#  A tibble: 12 x 10
#     room   pen   litter    con_medResp con_n     w vac_medResp vac_n  n1n2
#     <chr>  <chr> <chr>           <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#   1 Room W Pen A Litter 11        8.24     2     7        5.13     2     4
#   2 Room W Pen A Litter 12        4.91     2     5        3.81     2     4
#   3 Room W Pen B Litter 13        8.10     2     7        5.23     2     4
#   4 Room W Pen B Litter 14        8.11     2     7        5.59     2     4
#   5 Room W Pen C Litter 15        8.09     2     7        5.26     2     4
#   6 Room W Pen C Litter 16        6.77     2     7        4.50     2     4
#   7 Room Z Pen D Litter 17        5.58     2     7        4.26     2     4
#   8 Room Z Pen D Litter 18        7.44     2     6        6.33     2     4
#   9 Room Z Pen E Litter 19        7.98     2     7        4.58     2     4
#  10 Room Z Pen E Litter 20        6.78     2     7        4.86     2     4
#  11 Room Z Pen F Litter 21        6.82     2     7        5.36     2     4
#  12 Room Z Pen F Litter 22        7.27     2     7        5.13     2     4

ABS-dev/MF documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

Related to MFh in ABS-dev/MF...