Man pages for ABindoff/TwilightFree
Reconstruct animal tracks from GLS tag data

calibrateFind a light threshold using calibration position and date
drawTracksPlot tracks with map
eraseLightManually erase non-solar light sources using mouse
eraseMoonRemove days from data where no locations could be estimated...
findColonyFind days where animal was likely to have returned to colony
findMissingFind days where no locations could be estimated from fitted...
findZenithFind zenith angles from assumed threshold and locations
interpolate_max_lightFind max light observations over a coarse time grid then...
latentClassFit latent class mixture model to quickly classify day and...
logp0calculate SST component of log-posterior in TwilightFree...
makeGridMake a grid for TwilightFree model incorporating land or sea...
max_light_deltaFind max light in period and smooth light observations
missingPlotRemove days from data where no locations could be estimated...
numberDaysNumber each day in a column named Day_num
removeMissingRemove days from data where no locations could be estimated...
thresholdPlotPlot light record using threshold to identify above-threshold...
tripConvert SGAT::essie fit object to matrix of 'Date', 'Lon',...
TwilightFreeSpecify a model for forwards-backwards estimation
zenithPlotPlot simulated twilights from Lon, Lat and estimated zenith
ABindoff/TwilightFree documentation built on March 10, 2021, 2:16 p.m.