

#testthat::test_that("only one file type inputted",
#                    expect_equal(extra_field_calculator(file_name = "data/Indicators_Targets_NEW.xlsx"),
#                                 extra_field_calculator(file_name = "data/Indiacotrs_Targets.xlsx", dataframe = NULL)))

################################################# TESTING

# # ## Inputs
# fileName = "Indicators_Targets_NEW.com"   # NOT excel file
# fileName = here::here("inst/data/Indicators_Targets_NEW.xlsx")  # excel file
# for_year = 2018 ## Specify Year the analysis represents
# FY = TRUE       ## Is this a fiscal year? (as opposed to calendar year)
# project_start_date <- "2016/03/01"   # as string! %Y/%D/%M
# ##
# dataframe <- extra_field_calculator("data/Indicators_Targets_NEW.xlsx", for_year = 2018)
# df <- extra_field_calculator(fileName, for_year = 2018)
ACDIVOCATech/bulletchartr documentation built on July 28, 2020, 8:49 p.m.