
Rapid digitization of historical land-use maps in R


We created this package due to our need to classify large areas of historical land-use map quickly and easily. The package contains four functions for the classification of historical land-use maps in R, calling functions from the raster package by R. Hijmans. A full description of the method is available here.


This package can be installed using the devtools package. HistMapR also requires raster, ggplot2 and gridExtra to run the functions. Even though installing through devtools installs dependent packages, there are issues in installing the packages that these are in-turn dependent upon, which can cause problems. This code adapted from here.

req.packages<-c("devtools", "raster", "ggplot2","gridExtra") # required packages
new.packages <- req.packages[!(req.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] # which are not installed?
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, dep=TRUE) # install those as required.


Examples and tutorials

Very simple examples of each function can be seen using the examples function. The input maps in these examples are from the Swedish Agency Lantmäteriet (copyright expired). A more detailed tutorial with walkthrough scripts and examples can be found on Figshare (though not updated with package updates, so it's always good to check the help files), along with the historical land-use classification over southern Sweden for which this package was created. Link.. There is also a very basic 10 minute tutorial video that we made to go with the published paper, where we walk through the process of digitizing maps with HistMapR.

Contributors and maintenance

This package was created by Alistair Auffret and Adam Kimberley. It's our first package and first time on GitHub, so help and suggestions are welcome.


Auffret, A.G., Kimberley, A., Plue, J., Skånes, H., Jakobsson, S., Waldén, E., Wennbom, M., Wood, H., Bullock, J.M., Cousins, S.A.O., Hooftman, D.A.P., Gartz, M. & Tränk, L. (2017) HistMapR: Rapid digitization of historical land-use maps in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12788.

Auffret, A.G., Kimberley, A., Plue, J., Skånes, H., Jakobsson, S., Waldén, E., Wennbom, M., Wood, H., Bullock, J.M., Cousins, S.A.O., Hooftman, D.A.P., Gartz, M. & Tränk, L. (2017) Data from: HistMapR: Rapid digitization of historical land-use maps in R. figshare data repository, doi: 10.17045/sthlmuni.4649854.

Hijmans, R.J. (2016) raster: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling. R package version 2.5-8, url:


Released under the GNU GPLv3 license .

AGAuffret/HistMapR documentation built on July 20, 2023, 2:43 a.m.