Man pages for AIBRT/FreqProf
Frequency Profiles Computing and Plotting

approxmInterpolate multiple columns of a data.frame
cor.testmCorrelation test for multiple variables - of the same name -...
freqprofConvert data to moving sum/prop.
generate_datesGenerate a sequence of dates
ggplot_fpInternal ggplot Wrapper to Graph Frequency Profiles
import_dataImport Data Pop Up
ks.testmKolmogorov-Smirnov test for multiple variables - of the same...
movfunInternal function for Generating Moving Sum or Proportion
plot_freqprofPlot Frequency Profiles.
radjInternal function for Resolution Adjustment
read.binReads the data in the file "filename", which is supposed to...
read.fpwReads the data in the file "filename", which is supposed to...
runExRun interactive FreqProf example (Shiny App)
s58Occurrence/nonoccurrence data for four behaviors from a...
AIBRT/FreqProf documentation built on May 5, 2019, 11:30 a.m.