Man pages for AIMS/bayesnec
A Bayesian No-Effect- Concentration (NEC) Algorithm

amendAmends an existing 'bayesmanecfit' object
autoplotbayesnec standard ggplot2 plotting method
bayesmanecfit-classClass 'bayesmanecfit' of models fitted with the 'brms'...
bayesnecfit-classClass 'bayesnecfit' of models fitted with the 'brms' package
bayesnecformulaSet up a model formula for use in 'bayesnec'
bayesnec-packageThe 'bayesnec' package.
bnecfit-classClass 'bnecfit' of models fitted with function 'bnec'
c.bnecfitConcatenate multiple 'bnecfit' objects into one single...
check_chainsChecking chain convergence
check_formulaCheck if input model formula is appropriate to use with...
check_priorsPlots the prior and posterior parameter probability densities...
dispersionPosterior dispersion
ecxExtracts the predicted ECx value
expand_manecExtracts a range of statistics from a list of...
expand_necExtracts a range of statistics from a 'prebayesnecfit'...
fittedGenerates mean posterior linear predictions for objects...
formulaRetrieve formulas from models fitted by 'bnec'
ggbnec_dataCreates the data.frame for plotting with 'autoplot'.
herbicideHerbicide phytotoxicity data
is_manecsummaryChecks if argument is a 'manecsummary' object
is_necsummaryChecks if argument is a 'necsummary' object
make_brmsformulaExpose the final 'brmsformula'
manec_exampleExample bayesmanecfit object
manecsummary-classClass 'manecsummary' of models fitted with the 'brms' package
model.frameModel.frame methods in bayesnec.
necExtracts the predicted NEC value as desired from an object of...
nec_dataExample data of non-linear decay
necsummary-classClass 'necsummary' of models fitted with the 'brms' package
nsecExtracts the predicted NSEC value as desired from an object...
plotGenerates a plot for objects fitted by 'bnec'
plus-.bnecfit"Add" multiple 'bnecfit' objects into one single...
posterior_epredGenerates posterior linear predictions for objects fitted by...
posterior_predictGenerates posterior predictions for objects fitted by 'bnec'
prebayesnecfit-classClass 'prebayesnecfit' of models fitted with the 'brms'...
predictGenerates mean posterior predictions for objects fitted by...
printPrints a summary for objects fitted by 'bnec'
pull_brmsfitExtract and object of class 'brmsfit' from 'bayesnecfit' or...
quote-beta_binomial-quoteCustom beta-binomial family
rhatExtract Diagnostic Quantities of 'brms' Models
summaryGenerates a summary for objects fitted by 'bnec'
update.bnecfitUpdate an object of class 'bnecfit' as fitted by function...
AIMS/bayesnec documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 12:33 p.m.