Man pages for AJFOWLER/comorbidgroupr
Identify Groups of Comorbid Diseases Associated with Outcomes

calculate_group_frequencyCalculate group frequency for all unique combinations
combinationsGet all patterns of diseases
comorbidHelper functions to check strings and get count position
determine_default_combinationsDetermine maximum combinations
disease_namesNames of diseases for hip_data
hip_dataExample comorbidity and outcome data
make_stemMake combinations of diseases ('stems') up to a maximum level
multiple_state_processorMultiple states
name_stemsChange split stems into named diseases
split_stemProcess disease stems
stem_funnel_plotFunnel plot of combinations at a given stem level.
stem_generatorGenerate disease stems
summary.stemSummary method for stem
AJFOWLER/comorbidgroupr documentation built on May 11, 2021, 6:01 a.m.