QR_var_manipulation: Editing the indicators list

QR_var_manipulationR Documentation

Editing the indicators list


Functions to remove indicators (remove_indicators()) or retrain some indicators only (retain_indicators()) from QR_matrix or mQR_matrix objects. The series names (column "series") cannot be removed.


remove_indicators(x, ...)

retain_indicators(x, ...)



a QR_matrix or mQR_matrix object.


names of the variable to remove (or keep)


remove_indicators() returns the same object x reduced by the flags and variables used as arguments ... So if the input x is a QR_matrix, an object of class QR_matrix is returned. If the input x is a mQR_matrix, an object of class mQR_matrix is returned.

See Also

Traduction française

Other var QR_matrix manipulation: add_indicator(), recode_indicator_num()


# Path of matrix demetra_m
demetra_path <- file.path(
    system.file("extdata", package = "JDCruncheR"),

# Extract the quality report from the demetra_m file
QR <- extract_QR(demetra_path)

# Compute the score
QR <- compute_score(QR, n_contrib_score = 2)

# Retain indicators
retain_indicators(QR, "score", "m7") # retaining "score" and "m7"
retain_indicators(QR, c("score", "m7")) # Same

# Remove indicators
QR <- remove_indicators(QR, "score") # removing "score"

extract_score(QR) # is NULL because we removed the score indicator

AQLT/JDCruncheR documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 12:10 p.m.