calc_layer_scales: calc_layer_scales

Description Usage Arguments Value


Calculate relative scales of contributions of each flow layer to final model of pedestrian flows generated by successive calls to build_ped_model.


calc_layer_scales(data_dir, model = "final")



The directory in which data are to be, or have previously been, downloaded.


Default "final" uses the final model of layers reduced only to those with significance less than 'sig_model' in build_ped_model, otherwise the full model with potentially less significant layers is used.


A ‘data.frame' with six columns of (1) ’model' with the layer names; (2) 'estimates' holding the estimates for each layer from the multiple linear regression model; (3) 'full_rel' with the relative scaling coefficient for the contribution of each layer weighted by the full flow layers; (4) 'ped_rel' with equivalent values weighted by values at pedestrian count stations only; (5) 'full_abs' with the absolute scaling coefficient for each layer weighted by full flow layers; and (6) 'ped_abs' with equivalent values weighted by values at pedestrian count stations only.

ATFutures/nyped documentation built on Jan. 20, 2020, 10:04 p.m.