Status Project Status: Concept - Minimal or no implementation has been done


Global-scale data for population density. Current potential data sources include:

| Source | Nominal Resolution | Latest Data | Future Projections? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------|-------------|---------------------| | worldpop | 100m | 2015 | No | | Euro. Commission Global Human Settlement | 250m | 2014 | No | | Euro. Commission Joint Research Centre | 250m | 2015 | No | | NASA Socioecon. Data (SEDAC) | 1km | 2020 | Yes |

Current analyses use worldpop only. Potential extension to incorporate NASA data to allow for future projections.


This package currently contains only one function which maps the population density layers in who-data onto the nearest OSM nodes, and dumps the resultant data in that repo (as <city>/osm/popdens_nodes.Rds).

ATFutures/popdens documentation built on July 28, 2019, 6:28 p.m.