Man pages for AWF-GAUG/fisim
Forest Inventory Simulator (fisim) is a package for simulating response and samplign designs common in forest inventories.

angle_countSelect trees proportional to size using...
edge_corr_wtPerforms the _walkthrough_ edge-correction method for a set...
est_densityHelper function to estimate density of tree locations per...
est_srsSimple random sampling estimator of population means
extract_areaHelper function to extract the area slots from...
extract_dataHelper function to extract population elements into a sample...
fixed_areaSelect trees at sample locations using fixed-area plots
hberg_beechFull census of a beech forest in G<c3><b6>ttingen, Germany
helloHello, World!
is.point_dataCheck if an object is a point data object.
is.responseCheck if an object is a response design object.
is.sample_locCheck if an object is a sample locations object.
is.tree_popCheck if an object is a tree population.
is.tree_sampleCheck if an object is a tree sample object.
kalimantan_peatFull census of a peat swamp forest in Kalimantan on Borneo...
k_treeThe 'k' trees closest to a sample location are selected into...
point_dataCreate objects of class 'point_data'
rcpp_helloHello, Rcpp!
responseObjects of class response
sample_locObjects of class sample_loc
sum_dataSummarizing of tree-level
sum_efExpansion-factor-based summarizing of tree-level data
sum_k_treeSummarizing of tree-level data for k-tree sampling
tree_popObjects of class tree_pop
tree_sampleThe function 'tree_sample' creates tree sample objects. Such...
xy_sampleSample locations in a study area of rectangular shape
xy_sample_randomPlace a number of points randomly in a polygon of arbitrary...
xy_sample_regularPlace a regular sampling grid over a polygon of arbitrary...
AWF-GAUG/fisim documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:02 a.m.