JTRCI: Jacobson & Truax reliable change indices

A newer version of this package is available at (notice the added hyphen).

I strongly advise switching to JT-RCI for any new projects. This current version is kept online because I know that manuscripts using it in their (shared) syntax are currently under review. In time the old JTRCI version will be removed from github.

In this old version (@ awkruijt/JTRCI) the higherisbetter option does not work correctly when type = "JT" (does work for type = "RCI") - the new version (awkruijt/JT-RCI) fixes this and is generally more streamlined.

When switching, it is good to know that in the new version the following parameter names have changed:

JT.crit -> JTcrit type -> indextype norm.M -> normM norm.SD -> normSD

Obtain and plot Jacobson and Truax reliable change indices

JTRCI(x.pre = NA, = NA, reliability = NA, ppid = NA, type = "JT", plot = T, table = F, higherIsBetter = F, JT.crit = "auto", norm.M = NA, norm.SD = NA


AWKruijt/JTRCI documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:57 a.m.