Man pages for AZASRS/AZASRS
ASRS Database R API

append_nav_has_reportedAppend column if NAV has reported at end date
AZASRS_DATABASE_CONNECTIONOpens a database connection
AZASRS_DATABASE_DISCONNECTDisconnect from database
AZASRS__welcome__message__Opening Remarks
build_grouped_irrsCreate rollup of IRR based off of dates
build_grouped_pm_cash_flowBuild PM "Cash Flow" and utilizing NAV to simulate where...
build_grouped_pm_metricsCreate rollup of IRR based off of dates
build_privm_metricsBuild a tibble of major private market metrics including:...
calc_add_qtrsCalculate a future quarter date
calc_cytd_metadataFind most recent CYTD compared to end_date
calc_fytd_metadataFind most recent FYTD compared to end_date
calc_grouped_pm_metricsCalculate the rollup metrics
calc_irrIRR - JD replaced Karl's asrsMethods
calc_irr_from_dfIRR from dataframe
calc_previous_year_qtrCalculate previous year and quarter
calc_time_deltaCalculate time difference
calculate_grouped_irrCalculate the rollup IRR
clean_nav_cfCleans NAV / CF filtered by date data to sum up by pm_fund_id
convert_start_date_nav_to_negativeConvert first NAV to negative
filter_cf_between_datesCollect cash flow between dates
filter_datesFilter dates from NAV / CF joined
filter_nav_on_datesFilter Private market NAV on dates
get_account_futuresGet all account_futures
get_account_infoGet all account_info
get_benchmark_daily_indexGet all benchmark_daily_index
get_benchmark_fund_relationshipGet relationships between funds and benchmarks...
get_next_quarterGet next quarter date
get_pm_cash_flow_dailyDaily private market cash flows
get_pm_fund_infoGet all pm_fund_info
get_raw_data_from_azureGet CSV Data from Azure
get_ssbt_composite_bor_dailyGet SSBT composite book of record daily
get_ssbt_composite_bor_monthlyGet SSBT composite book of record monthly
get_ssbt_composite_infoQuery ssbt_composite_info table from database
get_total_fund_valueGet total fund value
get_value_dateGet value date
INITIAL_DATABASE_POPULATIONInitially populates ALL tables via .csv files
merge_nav_and_cfMerge NAV and CF
pipePipe operator
send_raw_data_to_azureUpload Data to Azure
test_is_not_rollupTest ... for rollup
UPDATE_DATABASEUpdates database with AZURE files
AZASRS/AZASRS documentation built on Sept. 30, 2020, 9:26 p.m.