Man pages for Acanthiza/envEcosystems
Create Ecosystem Definitions

add_landcover_descAdd 'extra' ecosystem descriptions
cut_covCover class threshold values
cut_htHeight class threshold values
lucoverLookup for cover codes
lulandcoverLookup for landcover classes and their associated colours
lulifeformLookup for lifeform codes
lulifespanLookup for lifespan classes
make_eco_descMake a description for an ecosystem
make_eco_envMake a dataframe summarising environmental variables per...
make_eco_str_perCreate a dataframe of taxa percent cover for each cluster
make_eco_taxa_perCreate a dataframe of taxa percent cover for each cluster
pipePipe operator
sa_sfLookup for broad structural formations
sa_vsfLookup for South Australian vegetation structural formations
set_eco_colSet colours for individual ecosystems, using gradations...
taxa_samphireVector of samphire taxa
taxa_wetlandVector of wetland taxa
Acanthiza/envEcosystems documentation built on May 21, 2024, 6:20 p.m.