  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


The goal of envImport is to obtain, and assemble, environmental data from disparate data sources, for a geographic area of interest. As little filtering as possible occurs when obtaining data and envImport does not aim to clean, filter or tidy the data (see envClean for help there). Usually the end result of an envImport workflow is a single object that contains all records from all the data sources. Sourcing and assembling environmental rasters for the area of interest is also in scope, but poorly implemented / documented currently.


You can install the development version of envImport from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Supported data sources

data_name = 'data source'. Data sources are (usually) obvious sources of data. Examples are the Global Biodiversity Infrastructure Facility (GBIF) or Terrestrial Ecosystems Network (TERN). The r nrow(envImport::data_map) data sources currently supported or with plans for development are (also see envImport::data_map):

General workflow


The data_map (see table @ref(tab:dataMap)) provides a mapping from original data sources to the desired columns in the assembled data set.

               , caption = "Data map of desired columns in the assembled data (columns) and names of columns in the original data (rows)"


get_x functions get data from the data source x. Results are always saved to disk (as getting data can be slow). When run again, they load from the saved file by default. If available, get_x functions use any R packages and functions provided by the data source (e.g. GBIF provides rgbif r cite_package("rgbif") and TERN provides ausplotsR r cite_package("ausplotsR")). The first arguments to get_x functions are always:

Many of the get_x functions will only work within DEW.

As of June 2024, get_x functions can be run from get_data.


unite_data writes bio_all.

Acanthiza/envImport documentation built on July 26, 2024, 11:18 p.m.