
#' Lookup the maximum reliability distance for `RELIBANR` field
#' @format A data frame with `r nrow(lurelBDBSA)` rows and `r ncol(lurelBDBSA)`
#' variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{RELIANR}{As per LU_LURELIABNR in BDBSA}
#'   \item{max_dist}{Corresponding distance in metres}
#'   ...
#' }

#' Lookup for mapping fields from original data sources to common column names
#' @format A data frame with `r nrow(data_map)` rows and `r ncol(data_map)`
#' variables where column names provide the new name for columns in the original
#' data sources:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{data_name}{Short name of data source}
#'   \item{order}{Integer. Preferential order for using data if assessing
#'   duplication}
#'   \item{days}{How many days to allow before attempting to update? Rarely used
#'   anymore. More efficient to update manually via explicitly running `get_`
#'   and `make_`}
#'   \item{site}{}
#'   \item{date}{}
#'   \item{lat}{Latitude}
#'   \item{long}{Longitude}
#'   \item{original_name}{Name of column with taxa information}
#'   \item{nsx}{Name of column with taxa codes}
#'   \item{number}{Number observed}
#'   \item{surveynr}{Name of column with survey number (or code)}
#'   \item{survey}{Name of survey}
#'   \item{ind}{Flag for non-indigenous taxa}
#'   \item{rel_nr}{RELIABNR in `envClean::lurelBDBSA`}
#'   \item{rel_metres}{Spatial reliability in metres}
#'   \item{sens}{Sensitivity flag for EGIS data}
#'   \item{lifespan}{Muircode}
#'   \item{cover}{Cover value as proportion}
#'   \item{cover_code}{Cover value as modified Braun-Blanquet code}
#'   \item{quad_x}{Length of quadrat size in x direction}
#'   \item{quad_y}{Lenght of quadrat size in y direction}
#'   \item{desc}{Sentence description of `data_name`}
#'   ...
#' }
Acanthiza/envImport documentation built on July 26, 2024, 11:18 p.m.