get_FN121_Limno: Get FN121_Limno - Net set limnological data from FN_Portal...

View source: R/get_FN121_Limno.R

get_FN121_LimnoR Documentation

Get FN121_Limno - Net set limnological data from FN_Portal API


This function accesses the api endpoint to for FN121limno records. FN121limno records contain limnological data associated with individual net sets. There is a 1:1 relationship between a net set and a FN121Lino record. The FN121limno record contains information like dissolved oxygen at the surface or at the gear at the start and/or end of a sampling event. This function takes an optional filter list which can be used to return records based on several attributes of the limnological data as well as attributes of the net set including set and lift date and time, effort duration, gear, site depth and location as well as attributes of the projects they are associated with such project code, or part of the project code, lake, first year, last year, protocol, etc. The limnological data can be joined back to the associated net set in R using the function join_fn_fields


  filter_list = list(),
  with_121 = FALSE,
  show_id = FALSE,
  to_upper = TRUE





When 'FALSE', the default, only the limnology fields from the FN121 table are returned. To return the whole FN121 table (excluding trapnet, weather, and trawl fields), use 'with_121 = TRUE'.


When 'FALSE', the default, the 'slug' field is hidden from the data frame. To return this field as part of the data frame, use 'show_id = TRUE'.

  • should the names of the dataframe be converted to upper case? Defaults to TRUE to match the FISHNET-II convention


Use show_filters("fn121limno") to see the full list of available filter keys (query parameters). Refer to and filter by "fn121limno" for additional information.




Adam Cottrill


# see the available filters that contain the string 'o2' (oxygen)
## Not run: 
show_filters("fn121limno", "o2")

## End(Not run)

fn121_limno <- get_FN121_Limno(list(
  lake = "ER", year = 2019,
  o2surf0__not_null = TRUE
fn121_limno <- get_FN121_Limno(list(
  lake = "ER", year = 2019,
  o2surf0__not_null = TRUE
), with_121 = TRUE)
fn121_limno <- get_FN121_Limno(list(
  lake = "ER", year = 2019,
  o2surf0__not_null = TRUE, mu_type = "moe"
), with_121 = TRUE)
fn121_limno <- get_FN121_Limno(list(
  lake = "ER", year = 2019,
  o2surf0__not_null = TRUE
), show_id = TRUE)

AdamCottrill/glfishr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 5:47 p.m.