Man pages for AdrienLeGuillou/briefr
Get a briefing of your data frame

brf_describeGet a briefing of a data frame
brf_formatted_catFormat a categorical column summary with 'kable()'
brf_formatted_cat_lvlFormat a categorical column levels summary with 'gt()'
brf_formatted_dfFormat a data frame summary with 'kable()'
brf_formatted_numFormat a numerical column summary with 'kable()'
brf_plot_cat_countMake a plot of a categorical column in a data frame, count...
brf_plot_num_histMake a histogram of a numerical column in a data frame
brf_plot_num_violinMake a violin plot of a numerical column in a data frame
brf_rmd_catOutputs an RMarkDown formatted chunk for a categorical column
brf_rmd_dfOutputs an RMarkDown formatted chunk for a data frame summary
brf_rmd_dispatchChoose the correct RMarkDown function depending on the column...
brf_rmd_numOutputs an RMarkDown formatted chunk for a numerical column
brf_summary_catSummarise a categorical column in a data frame with a...
brf_summary_cat_lvlSummarise the levels of a categorical column in a data frame...
brf_summary_dfSummarise a data frame
brf_summary_numSummarise a numerical column in a data frame with a grouping...
briefr-packagebriefr: Get a briefing of your data frame
dflt_kableDefautl table format for my summaries
factor_infreqReassign levels in a factor using frequency
AdrienLeGuillou/briefr documentation built on July 25, 2022, 5:31 a.m.