uploadPentadsToEE: Upload pentads to Google Earth Engine server

View source: R/uploadPentadsToEE.R

uploadPentadsToEER Documentation

Upload pentads to Google Earth Engine server


Upload pentads to Google Earth Engine server


uploadPentadsToEE(pentads, asset_id, load = TRUE, max_p = 16250)



An sf object with the pentads to upload


A character string with the name we want our pentads to be saved on the server with.


If TRUE (default), the GEE asset is loaded into the R session.


Maximum number of pentads the function will try to upload without splitting into pieces. The default is a sensible choice but you can try modify it to serve your purposes.


An sf object is uploaded to GEE servers via "getInfo_to_asset" (see sf_as_ee). If there are many pentads, the function will upload to objects and merge them in the server under the name provided. Please be conscious that two intermediate objects will also be stored under names "p1" and "p2". We recommend visiting your account and cleaning unnecesary objects regularly.


Pentads are uploaded to GEE. In addition a GEE feature collection can be loaded into the R environment


## Not run: 
# Load ABAP pentads
pentads <- getRegionPentads(.region_type = "province", .region = "North West")

# Set an ID for your remote asset (data in GEE)
assetId <- sprintf("%s/%s", ee_get_assethome(), 'pentads')

# Upload to GEE (if not done already - do this only once per asset)
uploadPentadsToEE(pentads = pentads,
                  asset_id = assetId,
                  load = FALSE)

# Load the remote asset to you local computer to work with it
ee_pentads <- ee$FeatureCollection(assetId)

# Alternatively we can upload to GEE and load the asset in one call
ee_pentads <- uploadPentadsToEE(pentads = pentads,
                                asset_id = assetId,
                                load = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

AfricaBirdData/ABAP documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 4:41 p.m.