Man pages for AfricaBirdData/CWAC
Access to Coordinated Water Counts data

addMissingCwacCountsAdd missing CWAC counts to CWAC site data
checkListEqualChecks that all elements in a list are identical
cwac_count_varsEmpty data frame with CWAC counts variables
getCwacSiteBoundaryGet a CWAC sites boundaries
getCwacSiteCountsGet all CWAC counts from a site
getCwacSiteInfoRetrives available metadata for a CWAC site
getCwacSppCountsGet all CWAC counts for a species
jsonToTibbleHelper function to transform a JSON object to a tibble
listCwacSitesRetrieve a list of active CWAC sites registered in a South...
listCwacSppGet CWAC species list
pipePipe operator
searchCwacTermSearch for a term in the CWAC dicctionary
AfricaBirdData/CWAC documentation built on Aug. 5, 2024, 12:40 a.m.