listCwacSites: Retrieve a list of active CWAC sites registered in a South...

View source: R/listCwacSites.R

listCwacSitesR Documentation

Retrieve a list of active CWAC sites registered in a South African province


Retrieve a list of active CWAC sites registered in a South African province


listCwacSites(.region_type = c("country", "province"), .region)



The type of region we are interested on. Two options: "country" and "province".


A character string corresponding to the specific region we are interested in. It can be either a country in Southern Africa, or a South African province. At the moment, CWAC serves data from four countries: Angola, South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania. Only South African provinces are available: Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Free State, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, and Northwest Province.


A tibble with a list of all active sites for the province


listCwacSites(.region_type = "province", .region = "Western Cape")
listCwacSites(.region_type = "country", .region = "Kenya")

AfricaBirdData/CWAC documentation built on Aug. 5, 2024, 12:40 a.m.