Age_Pyramids_2014: Age pyramids of all the countries of the World in 2014

Age_Pyramids_2014R Documentation

Age pyramids of all the countries of the World in 2014


The dataset contains a MatH (matrix of histogram-valued data) object, with three hisogram-valued variables, the 5-years age (relative frequencies) distribution of all the population, of the male and of the female population of 228 countries of the World. The first row is the World data. Thus it contains 229 rows(228 countries plus the World) and 3 variables: "Both.Sexes.Population", "Male.Population", "Female.Population"


a MatH object, a matrix of distributions.


Antonio Irpino, 2014-10-05


United States Census Bureau

Airpino/HistDAWass documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 7:53 p.m.