Man pages for Ajfrick/ajfhelpR
General Assistance for EDA and table generation

brm_orsGenerate Odds Ratios from logit link brm model
brm_probsGenerate Probabilities from logit link model
brm_pvalGenerate empirical P-Value from MCMC generated by brm...
brm_tabGenerate Coefficient Significance tables from brm model
cat_freqsCreate column for frequency distribution of data
count_upCount number of unique non-missing observations in a vector
date_countCount up Frequency between two dates
date_nearFind Nearest Date within Threshold
extract_MoCreate middle IQR string from numeric vector
extract_YrCreate middle IQR string from numeric vector
file_w_dateCreate File path with Today's Date appended
find_varsFind columns containing string or regular expression
frailp_poolEstFormat multiple imputed frailtypack 'frailtyPenal' models...
frailp_uniHRFormat single predictor frailtypack 'frailtyPenal' models...
frailp_uniHR_mimpFormat single predictor frailtypack 'frailtyPenal' models...
glm_ORsGenerate Odds Ratios CI Pval table from GLM
grapes-equals-grapesT == NA -> F Operator
grapes-or-grapesF or NA -> F Operator
make_csvwrite.csv with more useful Defaults
mimp_pool_mvObtain pooled estimate for multiple imputation analyses with...
mimp_pool_uvObtain pooled estimate for multiple imputation analyses
na_2dashReplace NAs with '-'
na_countCount Missing
num_squeezeSqueezing numeric values within specified range
parfm_HRsGenerate Hazard ratio, CI, Pval table from parfm
print_decFunction to force print to desired number of decimal points
pwr_mcnemarSample Size and Power for McNemar's Test
rename_excel2RPipeable column header rename function
str_excel2RReplace PI excel column names with R friendly names
str_sentenceModify sentence to Capitalize only first word
summ_full5-Number summary as character string
summ_intervalCreate center with spread data summary for table
summ_mean_wsdCreate center with spread data summary for table
summ_naCount Missing and % of Total
summ_propCreate count with proportion as string
temp_swapTemperature Transformation
to_lessthanFunction for converting p values to '< 0.01' (or desired...
Ajfrick/ajfhelpR documentation built on June 30, 2023, 12:56 a.m.