Man pages for AkhilNairAmey/SparklyrCassandraConnector
CQLConnect - Dispatch cql to query a Cassandra database via scala

connection_managerSimple Cassandra session manager
cql_countDispatch a count to some Cassandra table
cql_dist_file_index_queryDispatch the Distinct File Index query
cql_get_file_indexExhaust file_index row iterator to get whole file_index
cql_get_file_index_rowExtract file_index row
cql_get_non_ack_pollsGet the non-acknowledged messages
cql_get_null_response_partitionGet the partition of ordered telegrams for a vehicle
cql_get_obc_modelTest joinWithCassandraTable
cql_get_schemaGet a Cassandra table
cql_get_tableGet a Cassandra table
cql_hasnextExhaust file_index row iterator to get whole file_index
cql_iterateExhaust file_index row iterator to get whole file_index
cql_joinWithRTableTest joinWithRTable
cql_non_ack_pollsGets all polls for a partition, statefully filters...
cql_previous_pollExtract the previous poll R objects
cql_previous_poll_queryBuild the previous poll query
cql_write_non_ack_pollsGet the non-acknowledged messages
helloHello, World!
AkhilNairAmey/SparklyrCassandraConnector documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m.