Man pages for AlejandroKantor/akmisc
Miscellaneous Functions for Data Manipulation

addLabelCategorizationIntervalsAdds Label to a CategorizationIntervals object
asCategorizationIntervalsConverts a data.table to a CategorizationIntervals object
calcComparisonCompares two numeric vectors by passing comparison in a...
capitalizeFirstLetterCapitalizes the first letter of each string in a character...
CategorizationIntervalsConstruction function for CategorizationIntervals class
categorizeByIntervalsCategorize by intervals
checkRepCategorizationIntervalsCheck rep of CategorizationIntervals
collectGarbagePerforms garbage collections non verbosely
countCharOccurrencesCounts the number of times a single characte occurs
extractCategoriesFromIntervalsExtract Categories from Interals
freqTableFrequency table of the number of times of individual value...
getRepeatedRowsByKeysGet repeated rows by key
isColsUniqueIdentifierIndicates if given fields are unique identifiers of a...
isMonotonicIndicates if a sequence of values are monotonic
mergeListMerge a list of data.table
mergeWithColPrioritizationMerger of two data.tables with repeated columns with...
modeOfVectorGives the mode of a vector
numUniqueValuesGives the number of unique values of a vector
propCasesAreModeGives the proportion of cases which are the mode
readOrMakeObjRead object from file or make object
AlejandroKantor/akmisc documentation built on May 5, 2019, 3:51 a.m.