Man pages for AlexAfanasev/NeuralNetworkVisualization
Create Partial Dependence Plots for Neural Networks, Visualizes the marginal effects of Neural Networks

add_bootstrap_dataAdds bootstrap data to the model that will be used for...
compute_bootstrap_cicomputes Bootstrap intervals.
compute_mean_prediction_categoricComputes mean prediction for categoric response.
compute_mean_prediction_numericComputes mean prediction for numeric response
create_factor_specificationReturns the data with added factor columns, changed formula...
create_gridCreates the grid used for predicting yhat.
create_plotting_dataCreates the plotting data.
descale_dataDescales data for neural_net
descale_gridDescales selected predictor column and prediction value for...
example_nn_modelReturns example models by type of response
fit_neural_networkFits neural network for either numerical or categorical...
fit_neural_network_categoricalFits neural network for cateogircal dependent variable.
fit_neural_network_numericFits neural network for numerical dependent variable.
get_independentReturns the independent variables based on specification.
get_predictorsReturns the predictors for which to plot the partial...
get_typeReturns the type for the dependent variable (numerical or...
is_valid_nrepetitionsChecks for valid nrepetitions for the bootstrap confidence...
is_valid_probsChecks for valid prediction interval probabilities.
is_valid_typeChecks for valid type of plot.
min_maxReturns the min and max of a data.frame.
NeuralNetworkCreate a NeuralNetwork for further visualization
NeuralNetworkVisualizationNeuralNetworkVisualization: Create Partial Dependence Plots...
plan_processFunction for enabling multiprocessing.
plot_multiplePlots partial dependencies for multiple predictors. Default...
plot_multiple_categoricalPlots partial dependencies for given predictor with...
plot_multiple_numericalPlots partial dependencies for given predictors with...
plot.NeuralNetworkPlot method for neural network.
plot_partial_dependenciesFunction for plotting the partial dependencies of the created...
plot_singlePlots partial dependencies for single given predictor.
plot_single_categoricalPlots partial dependencies for given predictor with...
plot_single_numericalPlots partial dependencies for given predictor with numerical...
predict.NeuralNetworkPredict method for neural network.
prepare_dataPrepares the data used for further plotting.
prepare_data_categoricPrepares the data with categorical dependent variable.
prepare_data_numericPrepares the data with numerical dependent variable.
run_shiny_appRun the shiny app.
scale_columnReturns the scaled column.
summary.NeuralNetworkSummary method for neural network.
AlexAfanasev/NeuralNetworkVisualization documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 2:29 a.m.