Man pages for AlexiaJM/BayesTreePrior
Bayesian Tree Prior Simulation

BayesTreePriorSimulation of the tree prior.
BayesTreePriorNotOrthogonalSimulation of the tree prior in the general case (Case #4).
BayesTreePriorOrthogonalSimulation of the tree prior in the case where we have one...
BayesTreePriorOrthogonalInfSimulation of the tree prior in the unrealistic case where we...
E_alphaExpected value of the number of bottom nodes in the...
GetListUniqueSplitsUnique splits that leads to children with more than minpart...
NumBotMaxDepthNumber of bottom nodes and depth in the case where we have...
NumBotMaxDepth_infNumber of bottom nodes and depth in the unrealistic case...
NumBotMaxDepthXNumber of bottom nodes and depth in the general case (Case...
p_splitProbability of split of the tree prior.
Var_alphaVariance of the number of bottom nodes in the unrealistic...
AlexiaJM/BayesTreePrior documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:53 a.m.