Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 1

Read in the data file and preprocess

ad <- read.csv("activity.csv") steps <- ad$steps date <- ad$date interval <- ad$interval

Building a Histogram

hist(tapply(steps, date, sum), xlab="Steps", ylab= "Days", breaks=10, main="Steps taken on a Daily basis")

Calculate the Mean and Median Values

steps_day <- as.numeric(tapply(steps, date, sum)) mean_steps_day <- mean(steps_day, na.rm=TRUE) median_steps_day <- median(steps_day, na.rm=TRUE)

Compute the average daily activity pattern

interval <- as.factor(as.character(interval)) mean_int <- as.numeric(tapply(steps, interval, mean, na.rm=TRUE)) trueint <- data.frame(trueint = as.numeric(levels(interval)),mean_int) trueint <- trueint[order(trueint$trueint),]

Build the plot

plot(trueint$trueint, trueint$mean_int, type = "l", main = "Average steps per minute", xlab="Time of Day", ylab="Mean Steps") aveintper <- trueint[order(trueint$mean_int, decreasing=TRUE),] head(aveintper, n=1)

Input Missing Values

missvals <- sum( steps[] <- 37.38 summary(steps) hist(tapply(newad$steps, newad$date, sum), xlab="Steps", ylab= "Days", breaks=10, main="Steps taken on a Daily basis")

newsteps_day <- as.numeric(tapply(newad$steps, newad$date, sum)) newmean_steps_day <- mean(newsteps_day, na.rm=TRUE) newmedian_steps_day <- median(newsteps_day, na.rm=TRUE) newad_new <- newad newad_new$date <- as.Date(newad_new$date) newad_new$day <- weekdays(newad_new$date) == "Sunday" | weekdays(newad_new$date) == "Saturday"

newad_new_weekday <- newad_new[newad_new$day == FALSE, ] newad_new_weekend <- newad_new[newad_new$day == TRUE, ]

First create weekday and weekend variables

mean_weekday <- tapply(newad_new_weekday$steps, newad_new_weekday$interval, mean) mean_weekend <- tapply(newad_new_weekend$steps, newad_new_weekend$interval, mean)

then create two separate plots

plot(mean_weekday, type = "l", xlab="Time interval", ylab="Steps", main="Weekday activity", col="darkblue") plot(mean_weekend, type="l", xlab="Time interval", ylab="Steps", main="Weekend activity", col="red")

AlfonsoRReyes/RepDataPeerAssessment1 documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:53 a.m.