new function

#' split a 1-D matrix in a 2-D matrix by means of the # columns
split.matrix <- function(mat, cols) {
  rows <- length(mat) / cols
  df.list <- split(, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                   rep(1:cols, each = rows))
  merged <-"cbind", df.list)           # join the data frames in list
  names(merged) <- as.matrix(merged[1, ])       # extract variable names
  merged <- merged[-1, ]                        # remove row 1
  rownames(merged) <- 1:nrow(merged)                           # reset row numbers
  merged <- as.matrix(merged)

process.matlab.object <- function(item) {
  kls <- as.character(mf[mf$name == item, "class"]) # get object class
  size <- as.character(mf[mf$name == item,][1, 'size'])
  dim <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(size, "x")))

  if (kls == "cell") {
    assign(item, as.matrix(unlist(matList[[item]])))  # unlist if cell    

    if ( (dim[2] >=2) & (dim[1] >= 2) ) {
      # stop("more than one column ...")
      cols <- min(dim[2], dim[1])
      cat("\tcell cols:", cols, "\t")
      cell <- split.matrix(get(item), cols)
      assign(item, cell)

  } else if (kls == "char") {
      assign(item, as.character(unlist(matList[[item]])))
  } else if (kls == "double") {
      assign(item, matList[[item]])
  } else {
      assign(item, matList[[item]])

    # get the object from the string
  obj <- get(item)
  dims <- ifelse(kls == "char", "NULL", paste(dim(obj), collapse = "x"))
  len <- ifelse(kls == "char", nchar(obj), length(obj))
  kls <- class(obj)
  to <- typeof(obj)
  stir <- capture.output(str(obj))[1]

  item.props <- list(Rname = item, dims = dims, length = len, Rclass = kls, 
                typeof = to, value = stir)
  item.whole <- list(values = obj, name = item, properties = item.props)

# geneinfo.tmp <- as.matrix(unlist(matList$geneinfo))
# res <- split.matrix(geneinfo.tmp, 2)
# dim(res)
# class(res)
# main
rdaFile <- paste(unlist(strsplit(matfile, "\\."))[1], "rda",sep = ".")
toSave <- NULL
rdf <- data.frame()

for (item in mf$name) {
  # cat(item, class(item), "\n")
  cat(item, "\t")

  # row <- process.matlab.object(item)
  whole <- process.matlab.object(item)
  assign(whole$name, whole$values)
  row <- whole$properties
  cat(row$Rclass, row$typeof)
  row.df <- data.frame(row, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rdf <- rbind(row.df, rdf)
  toSave <- c(toSave, whole$name)
rdf <- rdf[order(rdf[, 1]), ]
rownames(rdf) <- 1:nrow(rdf)
savetoRda(list = toSave, file = rdaFile)
# provide the Matlab file name
# stop if Matlab file does not exist
# get info from the Matlab file using RcppOctave

# read the Matlab file from R
# load the Matlab file results to a list

# iterate through objects in data frame returned from RcppOctave
  # convert object name item to character
  # get the class and dimension for current object
  # if class is `cell` 
  #   stop if any of the dimension of cell is greater than 1
  #   unlist the object before assigning to a var
  #   otherwise assign the object to a var with `assign`
  # collect the variable names to save later

# save the objects as .rda file

# create data frame of new objects in R
# show data frame of objects in Matlab and R

old function

  rdaFile <- paste(unlist(strsplit(matfile, "\\."))[1], "rda",sep = ".")
  toSave <- NULL
  rdf <- data.frame()

  for (item in mf$name) {
    # item <- as.character(item)   # convert to character
    kls <- as.character(mf[mf$name == item, "class"]) # get object class
    size <- as.character(mf[mf$name == item,][1, 'size'])
    dim <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(size, "x")))
    cat(" ", kls, dim)

    if (kls == "cell") {
      # a Matlab cell is equivalent to a R matrix
      # print("Matlab cell")
      if (dim[2] & dim[1] > 1) stop("more than one column ...")
      assign(item, as.matrix(unlist(matList[[item]])))  # unlist if object is a cell
    } else if (kls == "char") {
      print("char vector")
      assign(item, as.character(unlist(matList[[item]]))[1])

    } else {
      assign(item, matList[[item]])

    cat(class(get(item)))   # get the class before passing to function
    toSave <- c(toSave, item)
    row <- data.frame(, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rdf <- rbind(row, rdf)

  rdf <- rdf[order(rdf[, 1]), ]
  # toSave
  savetoRda(list = toSave, file = rdaFile)
  rdf <- function(item) {
  obj <- get(item)
  stir <- capture.output(str(obj))[1]
  dims <- paste(dim(obj), collapse = "x")
  len <- length(obj)
  kls <- class(obj)
  to <- typeof(obj)
  #cat(item, class(get(item)), "\n")
  list(Rname = item, dims = dims, 
       length = len, Rclass = kls, typeof = to)

df <- data.frame()
for (item in toSave) {
  row <- data.frame(, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  df <- rbind(row, df)

df[order(df[, 1]), ]
obj <- get(item)
paste(dim(obj), collapse = "x")
myobj <- structure(list(a = 1, b = 2), class = "myclass")
print.myclass <- function(x, ...) cat("A: ", x$a, " B: ", x$b, "\n", sep = "")
## split a 20x5 matrix into five 4x5 matrices 
xmat <- matrix(1:100, nrow=20, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE) 
xsplit <- rep( 1:5, times= rep(4, 5)) 
tmp <-, xsplit)
# <- data.frame(tmp)
# xmat.mat <- data.matrix(
## split a 100x1 matrix into five 50x2 matrices 
xmat2 <- matrix(1:100, nrow=100, ncol=1, byrow=TRUE) 
xsplit2 <- rep(1:2, times = rep(50, 2)) 
tmp2 <-, xsplit2)
split.matrix <- function(mat, cols) {
  rows <- length(mat) / cols
  df.list <- split(, rep(1:cols, each = rows))
  merged <-"cbind", df.list)           # join the data frames in list
  names(merged) <- as.matrix(merged[1, ])       # extract variable names
  merged <- merged[-1, ]                        # remove row 1
  rownames(merged) <- 1:nrow(merged)                           # reset row numbers

geneinfo.cell <- split.matrix(geneinfo, 2)
xmat0 <- geneinfo
split(as.matrix(xmat0), rep(1:2, each = 51))
# a. 2 matrices which the first one consists of the first 500 rows, and the
# second one consist of the last 500 rows
xmat3 <- as.matrix(rnorm(100, 1, 0.5))
split(, rep(1:2, each = 50))
#  b. split the matrix equally and sequentially (according to the order of the
#  rows) into say 10 matrices with 100 x 4 dimension
split(, rep(1:10, each = 100))
split([sample(1:nrow(xmat3)),], rep(1:10, each = 100))
# split in ten matrices of 100 elements each
split(as.matrix(xmat3), rep(1:10, each = 100))
test.env <- new.env()

assign('var', 100, envir=test.env)
# or simply
test.env$var <- 100

get('var') # var cannot be found since it is not defined in this environment
get('var', envir=test.env) # now it can be found
convertMat2Rda <- function(mat_files) {
  for (i in mat_files) {
    alist <- readMatfile(i, verbose = FALSE)
    ulist <- unlist(alist)
    # print(names(alist))
    # str(ulist)
    cat(typeof(ulist), "\n")
v <- c("cereal.mat", "data.mat", "environmental.mat")

mat <- "example32.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)

lk <- alist %>%
l <- list(list(col1="a",col2=1),list(col1="b",col2=2))
f = function(x) function(i) unlist(lapply(x, `[[`, i), use.names=FALSE), names(l[[1]])))
f = function(x) 
    unlist(lapply(x, `[[`, i), use.names=FALSE)

mat <- "example32.mat"
mat <- "data.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)
# str(alist), names(alist[[1]])))
# Map(f(alist), names(alist[[1]]))

# lapply(alist, `[[`, )

mat <- "example32.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)
# get the names of the list
mat <- "example32.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)
nm <- names(alist)
mat <- "example32.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)
# lapply(alist, names)
to <- lapply(alist, typeof)  # to is a list
mat <- "example32.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)

# return all values
lapply(alist, function(x) lapply(x, identity))
mat <- "example32.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)
myList <- alist

# As a list of one-column data.frames
lapply(myList, `[`, 1)

# # As a list of vectors
# lapply(myList, `[[`, 1)
# # As a named vector
# sapply(myList, `[[`, 1)
# # As an unnamed vector
# unname(sapply(myList, `[[`, 1))
# An example nested list
myNestedList <- list(A = list(`0` = c(`1` = 10, `2` = 20, `3` = 30, `4` = 72),
                              `1` = c(`1` = 15, `2` = 9, `3` = 7)),
                     B = list(`0` = c(A = 11, B = 12, C = 13),
                              `1` = c(X = 14, Y = 15, Z = 16)))

# Run the following and see what you come up with....
lapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[`, 1)
lapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[[`, 1)
sapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[[`, 1)
rapply(myNestedList, f=`[[`, ...=1, how="unlist")
mat <- "data.mat"
alist <- readMatfile(mat, verbose = FALSE)
myNestedList <- alist

# Run the following and see what you come up with....
lapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[`, 1)
lapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[[`, 1)
sapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[[`, 1)
rapply(myNestedList, f=`[[`, ...=1, how="unlist")

AlfonsoRReyes/martinezEDA documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:54 a.m.