Man pages for AliSajid/drugfindR
Investigate iLINCS for candidate repurposable drugs

consensusConcordantsGenerate a Consensus list of Targets
drugfindR-packagedrugfindR: Drug Repurposing using Gene Expression Signatures
filterSignatureFilter the L1000 Signature
getConcordantsGet Concordant Signatures from iLINCS
getSignatureGet the L1000 Signature from iLINCS
investigateSignatureInvestigate a given DGE dataset
investigateTargetInvestigate a Given Gene or Drug
prepareSignaturePrepare an L1000 Signature froma given differential gene...
targetRenameRename the Target-Related Columns
AliSajid/drugfindR documentation built on May 16, 2024, 3:21 p.m.