optimize_palette: optimize raw palette obtained from create_palette

View source: R/optimize_palette.R

optimize_paletteR Documentation

optimize raw palette obtained from create_palette


taken a raw palette created from a jpeg image, optimizes it given the type of variable to be plotted


  rgb_raw_palette = NA,
  number_of_colors = NA,
  type_of_variable = "categorical",
  effective_n_of_color = NA,
  filter_on_low_brightness = NA,
  filter_on_high_brightness = NA,
  filter_on_saturation = NA



numeric matrix of RGB from a call to rgb on hex codes


string, default to 'categorical'. type of variable to be plotted with the building palette


integere, the actual number of colors obtained from the application of kmeans on the image. equal to number_of_colours *100


boolean, default to true. specifies if a filter on colours with low brigthness should be applied to enhance the palette


boolean, default to true. specifies if a filter on colours with high brigthness should be applied to enhance the palette


boolean, default to ture. specifies if a filter on low saturation should be applied.


integer, number of desired colours in the final palette, as specified by the user when calling create_palette


palette optimization consists into four different steps: - conversion to hsv scale in order to easily elavorate on colour order and properties. - filter on colours with a brightness lower than the first quartile of v distribution - filter on colours with a brightness higher or equal to the Tukey's outlier threshold computed on the overall v distribution - subset of the palette according to the type of variable to be plotted: a spaced sample in case of categorical variables, an interpolation between two colours close to the mode of h for continuous variables


Andrea Cirillo


create_palette("data/nascita_venere.jpg",number_of_colors = 20)

AndreaCirilloAC/paletter documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 4:45 a.m.