createSiberObject: Read in SIBER format data and generate the SIBER object

createSiberObjectR Documentation

Read in SIBER format data and generate the SIBER object


This function takes raw isotope data and creates a SIBER object which contains information in a structured manner that enables other functions to loop over groups and communities, fit Bayesian ellipses, and afterwards, generate various plots, and additional analyses on the posterior distributions.


Specified In a basic R data.frame or matrix comprising 4 columns. The first two of which are typically isotope tracers, then the third is a column that indicates the group membership, and the fourth column indicates the community membership of an observation. Communities labels should be entered as sequential numbers. As of v2.0.1 group labels can be entered as strings and/or numbers and need not be sequential.


A siber list object, that contains data that helps with various model fitting and plotting.

  • The original data as passed into this function

  • iso.summary The max, min, mean and median of the isotope data useful for plotting

  • sample.sizes The number of observations tabulated by group and community

  • A list object of length equal to the number of communities


data( <- createSiberObject(

AndrewLJackson/SIBER documentation built on June 7, 2024, 3:21 a.m.